Forum Rules
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[Closed] Forum Rules

1 Posts
1 Users
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Saluki 69
SIU Arena Poster Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 2840
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  1. Respect other users. No flaming or abusing fellow forum members. Users who continue to post inflammatory, abusive comments can be banned from the forum at the discretion of the moderators.
  2. No doxing. We have zero tolerance for doxing other forum users. You may not post any personal information about another poster. If you know another posters' real name or others personal information then keep it to yourself. Posting such information will result in an immediate ban from the site.
  3. Harassment. No threats or harassment of other users will be tolerated. Any instance of threatening or harassing behavior is grounds for banning users from the forums.  We reserve the right to report threats or harassment to the appropriate law enforcement agency.
  4. No spam. All automated messages, advertisements, and links to competitor websites will be deleted immediately.
  5. Adult content. No profanity or pornography is allowed. Posts containing adult material will be deleted.
  6. Illegal content. No re-posting of copyrighted materials or other illegal content is allowed. Any posts containing illegal content or copyrighted materials will be deleted. We suggest that you post a small portion of that content and then a link to the source.
  7. Post in relevant sub-forums only. Messages posted in the wrong topic area will be removed and placed in the correct sub-forum by moderators.
  8. Moderator discretion. It is up to the site moderators to decide whether a post violates any of the rules.


A note to fans of other schools: Saluki Insider is a forum for fans and supporters of Southern Illinois University.  You are welcome to join and encouraged to constructively participate in discussions.  Please remember that you are a guest here and should conduct yourselves accordingly. Flaming or trolling will not be tolerated.  The same conduct is expected from members of our forum participating on your respective fan forum.

These rules may be added or amended at the discretion of the site administrators/moderators. We reserve the right to terminate any account for any reason if a user is determined to be detrimental to the overall health of this community. You may help us moderate the community by clicking on the report link under a post that you feel is in violation of the community rules.

Saluki Insider assumes no liability for the actions of individuals using this site.  Again, Saluki Insider will fully cooperate with law enforcement in the instance of any unlawful conduct.

Saluki Insider is in no way affiliated with Southern Illinois University.  It is privately operated by fans and none of the site administrators nor moderators are employed by Southern Illinois University. 

Please refer to our Privacy and Use policy for additional information on what personal data we collect and store.

These Forum Rules were last updated on August 2, 2018, and are subject to change without notice.

