#22 North Dakota @ ...
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#22 North Dakota @ #4 SIU 10/16/21 2:00 PM ESPN3

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Saluki Platnum Member
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Posted by: @rockin-dawg
Posted by: @jabman62

The most important thing is Hill believes in Baker they are winning and growing as a program and that is that matters. Our opinions of who should be playing are only that. I do not hear anyone on here say anything about any other players because every player misses an assignment during the game so to call out one player in my opinion is not warranted

The "missed assignment" comment I made was directed at the North Dakota defense, not Nic Baker.  It seems we have some mixed opinions of Baker's performance so far.  I wish I had more confidence in him.  I honestly expected to see Stone Norton in the second half.  But if Nick Hill has confidence in Baker, that's what counts.  Our opinions mean nothing really!  🤣   

I haven't been wow'd by Norton in the brief time we've seen him, think he's more of a developmental QB.  If Baker ever gets hurt, we're in big trouble in my opinion.

Saluki Platnum Member
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Posted by: @salukiworld
Posted by: @rockin-dawg
Posted by: @jabman62

The most important thing is Hill believes in Baker they are winning and growing as a program and that is that matters. Our opinions of who should be playing are only that. I do not hear anyone on here say anything about any other players because every player misses an assignment during the game so to call out one player in my opinion is not warranted

The "missed assignment" comment I made was directed at the North Dakota defense, not Nic Baker.  It seems we have some mixed opinions of Baker's performance so far.  I wish I had more confidence in him.  I honestly expected to see Stone Norton in the second half.  But if Nick Hill has confidence in Baker, that's what counts.  Our opinions mean nothing really!  🤣   

I haven't been wow'd by Norton in the brief time we've seen him, think he's more of a developmental QB.  If Baker ever gets hurt, we're in big trouble in my opinion.

SN hasn't played enough to tell IMO, but I imagine a Baker injury would not be good at all!

Lew Hartzog Track Poster
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@mr_woogers I agree. Gotta keep NB healthy. Basically have two QBs available to get us through the season. SL sudden departure and season ending shoulder injury for Lindauer left that room thin. 

Itchy Jones Stadium Poster
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It’s only Wednesday and this Saturday feels like a long way off.  And then we gotta wait another week for a game. 

Ughh.  Need my football.  Bye weeks suck. 

Saluki44 reacted
Abe Martin Field Poster
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Really enjoyed this game and the homecoming tailgate,  maybe siu will be a football school,  lol, If they have a home playoff game I would love to be there for that!

Saluki44 reacted
Saluki Platnum Member
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Great play design here that really opens up the running game next time they set up in this formation


rafflaw reacted
Mike Reis Press Box Poster
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I've wondered why SIU doesn't run more wing-T type stuff with the good running backs they have.

“The best thing about freshmen is that they become sophomores.”
-- Al McGuire

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Saluki Platnum Member
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