New Scoreboard
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New Scoreboard

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Mike Reis Press Box Poster
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Saluki Stadium is also getting a scoreboard upgrade. From the agenda of the BOT meeting in E-Town tomorrow:

Go to page 60 and up comes this nugget:


The current scoreboard at Saluki Stadium was installed as part of the Saluki Way Project approved by the Board of Trustees in 2008. Unfortunately, the scoreboard in Saluki Stadium has technical issues that can no longer be adequately addressed, making the replacement of the scoreboard necessary at this time. Additionally, the vendor that installed the scoreboard is no longer in business and parts for the scoreboard are no longer readily available.
To ensure Saluki Stadium has an operating scoreboard for the start of the 2019 football season, this matter seeks approval to purchase a 15MM Outdoor LED Video Display from Daktronics. The cost is estimated to be $700,000. Notably, a donor is providing the total needed funding for this purchase in exchange for limited advertising rights in association with the scoreboard.

Saluki Platnum Member
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Wow - we spent a couple of million on that scoreboard and now it's a large paperweight? Sounds like someone didn't research that very well. Buy from a solid company that will be in business years from now. 

(I did that stupidity years ago on an acoustic - shoulda bought a Martin)


Mike Reis Press Box Poster
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Posted by: Mr_Woogers

Wow - we spent a couple of million on that scoreboard and now it's a large paperweight? Sounds like someone didn't research that very well. Buy from a solid company that will be in business years from now. 

(I did that stupidity years ago on an acoustic - shoulda bought a Martin)


I had similar reservations when I found out it was not Daktronics that manufactured the original scoreboard. TS Sports, the manufacturer of the original scoreboard, got bought by Panasonic and from what I understand, Panasonic is very difficult to work with. Daktronics is the leader in the field. 

Itchy Jones Stadium Poster
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That's depressing.  I'm glad we have a donor that can cover it and thank you, but that kind of cash could have gone a long way in the department.  

Craving a McBride Special!

McAndrew Stadium Poster
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If this donor owns a storage shed business, we might be seeing Hucky next year.

I'm not sayin' -- I'm just sayin'!

Booby's reacted
Bleacher Bum
Mike Reis Press Box Poster
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Posts: 427

likely not that donor. if you read the document it says in exchange for limited advertising rights. the donor you speak of already has his name everywhere.

Lew Hartzog Track Poster
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Any chance the new scoreboard could have a lower volume setting...or even a mute button?  On my yearly Homecoming excursion back to The Dale,  I find I could do without half of the stuff on the scoreboard and, maybe, I could actually hear the Marching Salukis during the game, instead of contrived sound effects and videos.


I hope, some 40-plus years after graduation, I am not becoming the old guy that yells at kids who are on my lawn.

Booby's reacted
Mike Reis Press Box Poster
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Posted by: RISaluki

Any chance the new scoreboard could have a lower volume setting...or even a mute button?  On my yearly Homecoming excursion back to The Dale,  I find I could do without half of the stuff on the scoreboard and, maybe, I could actually hear the Marching Salukis during the game, instead of contrived sound effects and videos.


I hope, some 40-plus years after graduation, I am not becoming the old guy that yells at kids who are on my lawn.

That’s exactly what you have become.   😎 

McAndrew Stadium Poster
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One would think that a $500,000 to 1,000,000 scoreboard would last longer than 8-10 years.  Is this normal?  Add that cost with the cost to replace the turf and you're looking at a $1,500,000-2,000,000 expense every 8-10 years.  That adds and extra $200,000  to $250,000 to the football budget every year.  Ouch!

I'm not sayin' -- I'm just sayin'!

Lew Hartzog Track Poster
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Posts: 160

Lucky for you CowboyDawg that I won't see you until Homecoming.  By then, I will have forgotten all about this.

Bleacher Bum reacted
Bleacher Bum
Mike Reis Press Box Poster
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Posts: 427

i would be happy if they turned off the mic on the pa announcer.

siudawg77 reacted
Mike Reis Press Box Poster
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The same vendor made the Arena video board so I’m concerned we’re also having to replace that. 

Itchy Jones Stadium Poster
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Posted by: Fraydog

The same vendor made the Arena video board so I’m concerned we’re also having to replace that. 

Unbelievable. Can we catch a break once in a while? Hope the board being inside helps with some longevity.

Craving a McBride Special!

Bleacher Bum
Mike Reis Press Box Poster
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 427

that old scoreboard never worked right anyway. always showed us losing.



Saluki 69, SalukiIllini, SalukiWorld and 2 people reacted
Dawg Pound Poster
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Football is an expensive money loser for siu...and all other conference schools.

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