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Stadium Announcer and Scorebox

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Charlotte West Stadium Poster
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I have been a fan of Saluki Athletics for over fifty years.  This past weekend's game had a great atmosphere and huge crowd and for three quarters a great game. 

What hasn't been great this season is our stadium announcer who frequently is inaccurate in a variety of ways regarding down, timeouts, yardage, and general commentary.  Frankly, I have heard enough of him in both football and basketball these past however many years and wish the university would consider another option.  Too often I believe he makes it about himself rather than the game experience. 

In addition, our scoreboard running and electronics have been embarrassing.  The first week technical difficulties were ridiculous from the scoreboard to the play clock and game time issues.  Some of these issues continued this week to the point that the field referee had to explain what to set the play clock to given the situation and when to start it.  Being a consistent top program in FCS we should run a tighter ship in these two areas.  I am done complaining and will always be a Saluki Fan.  Go Dawgs.

McAndrew Stadium Poster
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I would prefer they stop pumping in so much music and allow the band to play during stoppages/timeouts. If the band needs a break or is going down for the halftime performance, sure, but I was there for the UIW game and I can’t remember a time when I actually heard the band play during the game.

Saluki Platnum Member
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Listen to the announcer at the softball games - he very loudly mangles the name of every Saluki coming up to bat, trying to be cute. Ridiculous and annoying as hell.

Agree with the music at football - way too much. Much rather hear the band play something.

Worst of all is baseball. It's like they can't stand 10 seconds of silence. TOOOO loud and constant music. Sit anywhere near the broadcast booth and you'll need ear plugs. Then somebody there broadcasts silly little phrases almost every time the opponent misses a pitch or flubs somehow. About 10 times too much of that. It's so annoying and unprofessional I'd rather sit in my vehicle and watch the game through the windshield while listening to LM.

Charlotte West Stadium Poster
Joined: 6 years ago
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Agree with both of you on the music at both football and baseball.  Have a bit more balance.  We have a tremendous band and should get more time.  Also, the blaring of the music at baseball is really bad.  Hurts your ears loud.  And I don't think it is because I am getting older lol.  Steve's schtick has gotten too old and self-involved for me. 

