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Randy Dunn Inspector Gen Report

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Saluki 69
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Saluki Platnum Member
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Posted by: Saluki 69


It's official. Dunn's a turd! No surprises here. He did a lot more bad stuff than this. Hope they sue him for violating his contract.

Itchy Jones Stadium Poster
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The Inspector General I'm sure found Dunn to be a toxic piece of garbage.  He should be banned from any further roles in higher education and should possibly due some time for the corrupt practices that he administrated while at SIU.

Lew Hartzog Track Poster
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It's more than just Dunn.  Keep digging until you flush out all the rats.

“The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody has decided not to see.”
― Ayn Rand

McAndrew Stadium Poster
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When does the report come out on the much revered Glenn Poshard? The guy who sat on his rear and presided during a period of plummeting enrollment, exacerbated by the infamous "special admissions program", wherein certain individuals told the university to go to Chicago and sign up students with ACT scores as low as 11, "or else". Shockingly, crime on the campus and in the town skyrocketed, and equally shocking, parents no longer wanted to send their kids to SIU. That same perception of SIU exists to this day.  Not one to rock the boat, good ole Glenn sat on his duff, watching the days roll by until he was eligible for yet another taxpayer funded pension. His sole mission at SIU was to make sure that not one single union job was cut, regardless of how low enrollment went. When will that report be written? 

PS- if anyone cannot remember him, google "cut-and-paste Poshard", that's how he does dissertations. Garnered a lot of great publicity for the university.




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Saluki Platnum Member
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Posted by: 1DAWG

The Inspector General I'm sure found Dunn to be a toxic piece of garbage.  He should be banned from any further roles in higher education and should possibly due some time for the corrupt practices that he administrated while at SIU.

The Southern Illinoisan actually called him a liar. 

Can we get the SIUE Board of Trustees to go after the severance pay and maybe some salary? Hope so.

Dunn lies!

Mike Reis Press Box Poster
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Dunn was acting at the behest of the board. If the Southern isn’t linking to the report, maybe their account of this is shaky. Speaking of which, the Southern needs a massive shake up as well. Time for Lee Enterprises to clean house. 

Mike Reis Press Box Poster
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Dawgbytes - Rita Cheng played a large role in that fiasco as well. 

Saluki Platnum Member
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Posted by: Fraydog

Dunn was acting at the behest of the board. If the Southern isn’t linking to the report, maybe their account of this is shaky. Speaking of which, the Southern needs a massive shake up as well. Time for Lee Enterprises to clean house. 

No he wasn't. He was negotiating with Carlo but illegally hired people, then blamed it on others  - read the relevant parts of the report. Dunn was a corrupt turd. Deliberately worked to hurt Southern.

Saluki Platnum Member
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Posted by: Fraydog

Dawgbytes - Rita Cheng played a large role in that fiasco as well. 

Enrollment decline started with/because of Walter "Bible-Beater" Wendler. SIU used to have many, many students from Kentucky and Missouri (something like 15% of 23,000), in large part because of cheap out-of-state tuition. Walter tripled out-of-state tuition and chased away many students during his tenure. Years later, all tuition is the same no matter where you live - too little too late.

Then there were other reasons over the years. Rauner's disastrous two years without a budget caused many Illinois students to go to other states. Illinois leads the nation in HS students who go to state schools in other states - a stat to be ashamed of. That was sort of the last straw.

Also, the three years of Dunn's buddy Colwell, who I consider be an idiot, didn't help. Colwell never hired an enrollment manager, a person whose sole responsibility is enrolling and retaining students - he let the position stay empty from 2014 to 2017. He oversaw huge enrollment declines in this period with no strategies to stem the tide.

Then you have snakes like Dunn withholding name list-buy money, essential for student recruiting, from Southern, because he didn't like Montemagmo and was mad at SIUC over the budget fiasco.

Lew Hartzog Track Poster
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They need to keep digging until all the cancer is removed.  Blaming Dunn is just a way to protect the guilty.

“The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody has decided not to see.”
― Ayn Rand

Mike Reis Press Box Poster
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Posted by: Mr_Woogers
Posted by: Fraydog

Dunn was acting at the behest of the board. If the Southern isn’t linking to the report, maybe their account of this is shaky. Speaking of which, the Southern needs a massive shake up as well. Time for Lee Enterprises to clean house. 

No he wasn't. He was negotiating with Carlo but illegally hired people, then blamed it on others  - read the relevant parts of the report. Dunn was a corrupt turd. Deliberately worked to hurt Southern.

The report is a politically poisoned document. Do you think Dunn would have acted on his own to hire Montemagno only to turn on him later? That makes no sense. 

For what it’s worth, the last governor appointed the Trustees who wanted Montemagno at all costs. Now what I wish Dunn would have done was to resign upon figuring out that he wasn’t going to get his way. The fact he couldn’t get the board to buy into Colwell was enough for him to leave. I would have done that if I were in his position. Then the board would have appointed Montemagno president - and that position would have ended up open anyway, sadly.  The Carbondale trustees who are now gone were the ones who opened up this firing match by keeping funding 63/37 when Edwardsville was growing and we were destroying ourselves. True reform on campus can still happen - even with the Trustees in place now. Look at Roger Tedrick.  I don’t think anyone can question his love for SIU. He got maligned unfairly. He made mistakes, mainly the hiring of Poshard and Cheng. That doesn’t mean he can’t be effective if he has learned from those mistakes.

Blaming Wendler for having goals and aspirations which were the largest that anyone had since Morris is rich, by the way. So what he’s a Bible Beater. I didn’t share his conservative interpretation of Christian doctrine, that doesn’t mean I thought he was a bad Chancellor. Enrollment was 22,000 when he got fired. Where is it now! 

What SIU needs is a system that is greater than the sum of its parts. Right now, we have a chance for that with Dr. Dorsey, the new board members, Dr. Dunn, Dr. Pembrook, and a new President when Dorsey retires. The civil war between the campuses must end. We are all better off working together synergistically. 

PS - I fully endorse the current SIU leadership in Stone Center and Anthony Hall, they want this firing match to end too. 

Saluki 69
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Lew Hartzog Track Poster
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Posted by: Saluki 69


I thought it was a law in IL you needed to hire at least 4 of your buddies and shakedown your employees for kick backs?

“The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody has decided not to see.”
― Ayn Rand

Saluki Platnum Member
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Posted by: Fraydog
Posted by: Mr_Woogers
Posted by: Fraydog

Dunn was acting at the behest of the board. If the Southern isn’t linking to the report, maybe their account of this is shaky. Speaking of which, the Southern needs a massive shake up as well. Time for Lee Enterprises to clean house. 

No he wasn't. He was negotiating with Carlo but illegally hired people, then blamed it on others  - read the relevant parts of the report. Dunn was a corrupt turd. Deliberately worked to hurt Southern.

The report is a politically poisoned document. Do you think Dunn would have acted on his own to hire Montemagno only to turn on him later? That makes no sense. 

For what it’s worth, the last governor appointed the Trustees who wanted Montemagno at all costs. Now what I wish Dunn would have done was to resign upon figuring out that he wasn’t going to get his way. The fact he couldn’t get the board to buy into Colwell was enough for him to leave. I would have done that if I were in his position. Then the board would have appointed Montemagno president - and that position would have ended up open anyway, sadly.  The Carbondale trustees who are now gone were the ones who opened up this firing match by keeping funding 63/37 when Edwardsville was growing and we were destroying ourselves. True reform on campus can still happen - even with the Trustees in place now. Look at Roger Tedrick.  I don’t think anyone can question his love for SIU. He got maligned unfairly. He made mistakes, mainly the hiring of Poshard and Cheng. That doesn’t mean he can’t be effective if he has learned from those mistakes.

Blaming Wendler for having goals and aspirations which were the largest that anyone had since Morris is rich, by the way. So what he’s a Bible Beater. I didn’t share his conservative interpretation of Christian doctrine, that doesn’t mean I thought he was a bad Chancellor. Enrollment was 22,000 when he got fired. Where is it now! 

What SIU needs is a system that is greater than the sum of its parts. Right now, we have a chance for that with Dr. Dorsey, the new board members, Dr. Dunn, Dr. Pembrook, and a new President when Dorsey retires. The civil war between the campuses must end. We are all better off working together synergistically. 

PS - I fully endorse the current SIU leadership in Stone Center and Anthony Hall, they want this firing match to end too. 

Who the hell is blaming Wendler for having goals and aspirations? Not me! Yes he had lofty goals. I totally agree with Saluki Way - it was needed. Some of his other ideas - no - unrealistic and very expensive!

I repeat: enrollment decline started because of Walter Wendler. It's a fact that Walter greatly increased out-of-state  (and in-state) tuition and chased away many students during his tenure. The effect of his tuition hikes outlasted Walter. Between 2005 and 2015 enrollment dropped 17%.


"The enrollment decline and tuition hikes outlasted Wendler’s administration, but largely began during his tenure. Double-digit tuition increases — of 18 percent, 16 percent and 15.9 percent — were approved by the SIU board for the academic years beginning in 2002, 2003 and 2004. The tuition hikes sparked student protests.

Aside from his ambitious building and academic plans, Wendler, a devout Christian, often found himself at the center of controversies related to his beliefs, about which he was unapologetic and outspoken. Early in his tenure, he spoke in favor of outlawing alcohol at SIU-sponsored events, and later commissioned a study about alcoholism on campus....

In 2004, he publicly criticized a decision by the SIU Board — chaired at the time by Poshard, before Poshard became president — to extend partial health benefits to the partners of gay and lesbian employees working for SIU. Wendler, quoted in a July 2004 article of The Southern Illinoisan, said he opposed the policy because it was "encouraging sinful behavior."

Certainly there are a lot of other factors in enrollment decline. It's a national phenomenon.

Rauner's refusal to come up with a budget for two years could not have come at a worse time - it caused a massive decline in enrollment in Illinois schools.

Google reasons for college enrollment decline, and you'll see it's occurring in small colleges, universities, and many community colleges too.

Illinois colleges continue to see enrollment declines


Sample headlines from a search:

Enrollment in Virginia’s community colleges continue to Decline

SUNY enrollment dropping as New York's population declines

Why is college enrollment declining? - CBS News

Why Is Undergraduate College Enrollment Declining? : NPR

College Enrollment Declines for Fifth Straight Year | Fortune

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