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Around the Valley 24-25

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SIU Arena Poster
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Paul Oren reports Isaiah Stafford could miss the entire season for Valpo with a knee injury.

As hard as it has become to get good players to stay, it’s an extra kick in the balls when one of the few who do gets hurt like that.

I had thought the Beacons could move toward the middle of the pack in Powell’s second year, and I still think they’ll be better, but this makes it tougher.

SIU Arena Poster
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Posted by: @siudawgs

Paul Oren reports Isaiah Stafford could miss the entire season for Valpo with a knee injury.

As hard as it has become to get good players to stay, it’s an extra kick in the balls when one of the few who do gets hurt like that.

I had thought the Beacons could move toward the middle of the pack in Powell’s second year, and I still think they’ll be better, but this makes it tougher.

This is indeed a kick in the shorts.  If we want the Valley to remain in the top 10 conferences and, at the very least, be in the conversation for multiple NCAA bids, we need all Valley teams to be as strong as possible, including Murray, Bradley (sorry Barkeep) and the Redturds (sorry Bobber). 


ReSaluki 88
McAndrew Stadium Poster
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Not sure where else top put this. Anyway, not sure if anyone else noticed but former Missouri State Bear Jonathan Mogbo was the 1st pick in the 2nd round of the NBA draft. I remember him being crazy athletic, although somewhat undersized. It will be interesting to see what position he plays in the NBA.

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