Bradley Fan gets SI...
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Bradley Fan gets SIU Basketball Twitter Account Suspended

18 Posts
7 Users
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Mike Reis Press Box Poster
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 625

@resaluki-88 did you ever have any evidence or did you go all crazy without proof

Itchy Jones Stadium Poster
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1048

Posted by: @resaluki-88

@Dunkledog I'm sorry but you are defending someone who celebrated SIU's official basketball twitter page getting suspended. Not only that, most of his recent posts are extremely obnoxious put downs of SIU, our basketball program and our fans. I would rather defend our program than defend someone who trashes our program. But hey, that's just me. You are welcome to defend the Bradley fan who is endlessly trashing our university and program all you want, it's a free country.

He's just posting that anti-SIU stuff to fire people up. I wouldn't think twice about it, not worth it. Who cares 


Lew Hartzog Track Poster Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 220

That Matt Russ guy is a total D-bag and fraud.  He wouldn't say any of that crap he posts on twitter to anyone's face....fake tough guy.  


If you think he's s a cool

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