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[Closed] Bryan Mullins

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Barkeep 1967
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All of the above 🤣


I gave the only hint I’m giving.  Save my last post.  You will get it 

Mike Reis Press Box Poster
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@barkeep-1967 I mean consider our current coach doesn’t have a single recruit and that guy is known for recruiting maybe thats a sign in the direction they are going

Barkeep 1967
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I’m really handcuffed here.   I can’t say any more.   Looks like change is coming and I am more than a little pissed.  Of course if it works I will be ok 🤣

Mike Reis Press Box Poster
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Oh I know how it works. I’m more pissed we couldn’t find a single kid to come here next year 

McAndrew Stadium Poster
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@barkeep-1967 that hire would be very underwhelming…would much rather see Mullins get more time. 

Barkeep 1967
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Posted by: @siu_2011

@barkeep-1967 that hire would be very underwhelming…would much rather see Mullins get more time. 


I agree.  My vote does not count though. 


Mike Reis Press Box Poster
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@siu_2011 are we talking the t a&m guy ? Seems like a great recruiter. Something Mullins has suddenly lost all ability to do. He has better credentials than any coach we have hired in the past 20 years

This post was modified 7 months ago by Dunkledog

Saluki Platnum Member
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I doubt the evaluation of BM will not only be the underwhelming record but other things also. Who knows what evil lies in the hearts of men?

BM has one  year left, correct?

Barkeep 1967
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Posted by: @mr_woogers

I doubt the evaluation of BM will not only be the underwhelming record but other things also. Who knows what evil lies in the hearts of men?

BM has one  year left, correct?


yes . 


Itchy Jones Stadium Poster
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This is just all so sickeningly depressing. 

(Inflammatory political snark)

Barkeep 1967
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I wanted Bryan to succeed so bad. I don’t agree with not extending him at all. That being said  it’s a business and we all know CEO’s are not right very often. 

Salukifan32 reacted
Mike Reis Press Box Poster
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@barkeep-1967 I wanted him to succeed too. Just couldn’t figure out the in game coaching and recruiting. Idk if this other guy has it but they desperately need a guy who can handle both

Salukifan32 reacted
Mike Reis Press Box Poster
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@barkeep-1967 whatever happens I doubt it will be as bad as that abusing ass waddles post Green Bay evaluation

Itchy Jones Stadium Poster
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I'd say a run this weekend could possibly change things. Looking like it'll be a desperate team. Wasn't expecting this news tonight that's for sure 

Mike Reis Press Box Poster
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@salukifan32 id imagine firing a home town legend and siu hall of famer they would want to interview and find the right guy. Hopefully nothing too quick

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