Anyone else find it ironic that Tropical storm Barry is basically headed straight to Carbondale?
I hope it doesn't stomp it's feet and spread BBQ sauce.
(it's not even a full Hurricane)
Anyone else find it ironic that Tropical storm Barry is basically headed straight to Carbondale?
I hope it doesn't stomp it's feet and spread BBQ sauce.
(it's not even a full Hurricane)
It is a hurricane now. Thanks for pissing it off
I wouldn't want to be compared to that little bbq spewer either. What is the little loser up to these days? Has he moved away from C'dale to OK to begin his BS politics career? Don't care where he goes, as long as it's away.
I'm not sayin' -- I'm just sayin'!
This is the funniest thread I've read in a good while.. 🤣 🤣
--Insert something witty here--
I wouldn't want to be compared to that little bbq spewer either. What is the little loser up to these days? Has he moved away from C'dale to OK to begin his BS politics career? Don't care where he goes, as long as it's away.
No new news, my guess he will be doing color for MVC Basketball TV this fall, unless a college needs an average coach to stabilize their program.