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New MVC Blog

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Saluki Stadium Poster
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Hello Salukis,

I just wanted to reach out and let you know that I started a new blog that will be focused on MVC Basketball and MVFC Football. I am a longtime Valley fan who is a veteran of 17 Arch Madnesses. I have been making MVC writeups for my friends for years and consider myself a pretty good writer, so I figured why not post my write-ups publicly for other MVC fans to read if they'd like? I intend to post a couple times a week. Sometimes I'll comment on the current league goings-on, sometimes I'll talk about the mid-major/NCAA scene overall, and sometimes I'll post about MVC history.

I launched yesterday with five articles. I have my 2020-21 MVC Preview broken into three parts, a piece detailing how I'd handle the NCAA Tournament during the pandemic, and a piece listing each MVC school's greatest basketball team of the 21st century (spoiler: Tatum, Faulker and Mullins). I think it is pretty good sampling of the things I intend to do moving forward.

Check it out if you'd like:


Mike Reis Press Box Poster
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Calls us garbage, also wants us to read his blog lmao

Saluki Stadium Poster
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@dunkledog  I don't think you're garbage at all.  I think if you read the post you'll see that.  I think Mullins has SIU pointed in the right direction and the future is very bright.  I love every MVC team and I wish ya'll all the success this year. 

Charlotte West Stadium Poster
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I read the article and rendered the same impression as Dunkledog

Saluki Stadium Poster
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@83saluki I'm sorry to hear that.  That was not my intention, and not how I feel.  But I appreciate the feedback.  Best of luck to the Salukis this season.  

Saluki Platnum Member
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Not to mention you misspelled FALKER! Unless you meant William Faulkner, who was the greatest sports writer in SIU history - also a decent novelist (1 Pulitzer Prize, 2 National Book Awards, 1 Nobel Prize)! or maybe Kory Faulkner, darn good QB!

You did admit that "You can make some solid arguments that I am idiot, though." so there was some truth in your blog!!  😀 😀 

McAndrew Stadium Poster
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I think you personally insulted some of us Saluki fans simply because we think that we will be better than what you do.  You're getting attacked for it also.


Quite frankly, while I DO NOT see us as a Tier 3 team in this conference, I actually think that this is a pretty decent article.


Something Saluki fans need to remember...Just because we see ourselves as a top 4/5 team in the Valley, doesn't mean that everyone else in the conference does.  And that does not necessarily make them an idiot.  


Seriously though, I hope you're wrong.  Go Salukis!

Salukifan32 reacted
Barkeep 1967
Saluki Platnum Member Admin
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“And that does not necessarily make them an idiot.  “


yes it does 🤣 🤣 

Mike Reis Press Box Poster
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Posts: 648

He's just a guy with an opinion trying to pass himself off as someone who knows more than the average person. No big deal. If someone doesn't like it, don't read it.

Salukifan32 reacted
Barkeep 1967
Saluki Platnum Member Admin
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It was an ok break down. If everybody agreed it would be a boring world 

MVCBeat reacted
the bobber
Saluki Platnum Member Saluki Insider
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Posted by: @barkeep-1967

It was an ok break down. If everybody agreed it would be a boring world 

as long as everyone agrees that the salukis are the best, by a wide margin, i have no problem.

rafflaw, Barkeep 1967, PackerDawg and 1 people reacted
Mike Reis Press Box Poster
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 611

SIUs biggest issue is the front court. 

Even if Muila was healthy the frontcourt was a D2 transfer, a JUCO who didn't score at the JUCO level, an oft injured guy who started playing basketball like his sophomore year in high school who had no other offers, and a lightly recruited freshman. It was going to be a weak point and it is even thinner now.

Itchy Jones Stadium Poster
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I have no issues with the breakdown, although I don't think statistics are on anyone's side that bets a freshman and newcomer of the year will have a sophomore slump.  Then again, 7th is out of the question if we don't have a post presence this year; without Benson we would not have won as many as we did last year.

MVCBeat and rafflaw reacted
Mike Reis Press Box Poster
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 598

He lost me after he wrote, "I love Barry Hinson." 🤣 

March on triumphantly!

Saluki Platnum Member
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Posted by: @maroonloon

He lost me after he wrote, "I love Barry Hinson." 🤣 

I think most Valley fans like Hinson as an outsider.  He's harmless, easy to beat, and is a voice for the conference.  It's a lot different when he actually coaches your team.

MVCBeat and rafflaw reacted
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