The Dawgpound was struggling to get to $2k and last I looked it had jumped up to $4k !!!
@insaluki Where do you see the Dawg Pound total? I couldn't find it on the leaderboard.
This is a really well done event by SIU. A live stream throughout the day and everything. I can't imagine many schools match this type of production.
There is supposed to be an "exciting announcement" at 6:30pm from the chancellor in St. Louis to be carried on the livestream. I'm guessing it is a mega-donation, but the stream will be on the SIU Day site.
The chancellor livestream will be on the Alumni Association's Facebook page.
We just topped the $3 million mark for the day.
It looks like someone dropped a bag onto the College of Liberal Arts. They were way down the leaderboard when I checked earlier; now they're leading with almost $550K.
The chancellor livestream will be on the Alumni Association's Facebook page.
I don't see the livestream feed... ??
The chancellor livestream will be on the Alumni Association's Facebook page.
I don't see the livestream feed... ??
Nevermind, it has started now.
We just topped the $3 million mark for the day.
It looks like someone dropped a bag onto the College of Liberal Arts. They were way down the leaderboard when I checked earlier; now they're leading with almost $550K.
Yes they did. A $300,000 bag!
Well, I watched the livestream but did not see any announcement other than topping $3 million.
The Saluki Insider total is at $7,895 from 18 donors. That's an average of $438 per donor. Thank you all!
There is still plenty of time to throw in some money. The minimum is $5 and it all helps!