UNI ends the half on a 13-0 run
Terrible finish to the half.🫤
UNI 38
SIU 34
SIU doesn't score the last 5:33 of the half and UNI finishes on a 13-0 run
Horrendous finish to the half. Brutal possessions. Dibba is such a hot and cold player - they needed offense from him once Hensley cooled off and with Kennard in foul trouble.
Salukis have no interior defense. UNI owns the paint. Still surprised it's this close. At least the Dawgs not down 20 at half and have to dig out of a growing sinkhole.
March on triumphantly!
The highlight package at halftime did not look great defensively for Steffe (who also remains frigid offensively). Realize there is scarce guard depth but not sure he’s earned his PT.
How in the hell are we down 4 at the half??
They were up 9 earlier. They might not score again though in this game.
18-0 run for UNI and counting
The wheels have fallen off 🫤
This is the game I expected to see. We suck
at least we were in this game for half of a half. baby steps.
34-6 run for UNI
Same story every time. Just surprised Nagy puts up with the sloppiness.
Steffe must be one helluva shooter in practice.
March on triumphantly!
If Hensley didn't show up today, this would be a historic loss for the program