Student Enrollment
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Student Enrollment

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McAndrew Stadium Poster
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McAndrew Stadium Poster
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Is there a possible light at the end of the tunnel.  An article about SIU's new Enrollment Manager:

One takeaway is that this position, with a FULL TIME person, hasn't been filled for the last seven years.  I know funds have been tight, but where do the funds come from?  Wait, I know, THE STUDENTS and the money they pay to enroll.   I guess it's the old sales manager in me, but this is not an area to cut.  Obviously a decision started by Rita Cheng.  She, being an accountant, went right to the save money at all cost strategy. 

Now, I am going to apologize to all the accountants so please don't pm me.  I don't hate accounts.  My point of view simply is the opposite.  Don't cut spending if it's going to make you money.  In this instance, it was the wrong call.

I'm not sayin' -- I'm just sayin'!

Lew Hartzog Track Poster
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What's the big deal if she's just getting 80k or so for that job?  They have 100s to fire based on comparison of employment levels between the 90s (high enrollment) and now (really low enrollment).  Even ignoring enrollment and just looking at 90s and current staffing there are a lot of people to let go if we hope to survive.  If the legislation goes thru to force us to stand on our own feet without stealing from e, then we'll be closing the doors.

“The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody has decided not to see.”
― Ayn Rand

Mike Reis Press Box Poster
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The news report I saw said she will be making $140,000.

Lew Hartzog Track Poster
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Posted by: Cowboydawg

The news report I saw said she will be making $140,000.

That's too much money.  Let's hope her continued employment is tied to meeting measurable goals and not just trolling schools for kids with substandard entrance exam scores to sign up.

“The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody has decided not to see.”
― Ayn Rand

McAndrew Stadium Poster
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"At UMKC, she said, she required attendance-taking from faculty to identify students who were not attending class so that her team could reach out to those students and find out how to help them." Guess what? If your university has students who are not interested in attending classes, then you are attracting the wrong students in the first place (comma, stupid). It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out why parents don't want to send their children to SIU. Sit-ins in the chancellor's office and a campus parade through classrooms (disrupting the educational experience of those who Do want to be in class) to protest the expansion of the AJ program, the police are the enemy, you know. Cheerleaders on scholarship taking a knee during the national anthem. I wonder if this lady remembers a 30% plunge in enrollment at Missouri when the leadership there decided to let the inmates run the asylum? SIU's downward spiral began when the leadership of SIU, and Carbondale made the decision to change the party school image, and was exacerbated when the board was threatened by certain individuals that there would be trouble if black enrollment was not increased, giving birth to the wonderful special admissions program. SIU is now thought of as a ghetto school, and all of the PC dancing around that fact is a waste of time, money, and effort. We keep ignoring the elephant in the room.







The advancement and diffusion of knowledge is the only guardian of true liberty.
James Madison

Lew Hartzog Track Poster
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Posted by: Dawgbytes

"At UMKC, she said, she required attendance-taking from faculty to identify students who were not attending class so that her team could reach out to those students and find out how to help them." Guess what? If your university has students who are not interested in attending classes, then you are attracting the wrong students in the first place (comma, stupid). It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out why parents don't want to send their children to SIU. Sit-ins in the chancellor's office and a campus parade through classrooms (disrupting the educational experience of those who Do want to be in class) to protest the expansion of the AJ program, the police are the enemy, you know. Cheerleaders on scholarship taking a knee during the national anthem. I wonder if this lady remembers a 30% plunge in enrollment at Missouri when the leadership there decided to let the inmates run the asylum? SIU's downward spiral began when the leadership of SIU, and Carbondale made the decision to change the party school image, and was exacerbated when the board was threatened by certain individuals that there would be trouble if black enrollment was not increased, giving birth to the wonderful special admissions program. SIU is now thought of as a ghetto school, and all of the PC dancing around that fact is a waste of time, money, and effort. We keep ignoring the elephant in the room.







It doesn't have to be that way.  The college can roll back staff to the levels of the 90s and you'd find there isn't the administrative manpower to keep the mickey mouse crap going.

“The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody has decided not to see.”
― Ayn Rand

Itchy Jones Stadium Poster
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The number of employees has to be rolled back to coincide with the current enrollment.  However the cuts must be strategic, from the perspective that you don't eliminate roles that have the ability to make you money (i.e. recruiting, fund raising, marketing, etc.).  SIU has to rebuild it's image....really they need an image.  Currently kids don't know why they would attend SIU.  This falls on leadership to correct this problem.  If there's no vision for changing the image and increasing enrollment, it's not going to happen under this regime.

Employees at SIU should be more concerned about the shrinking enrollment than the proposed changes the chancellor wants to make, from a jobs perspective.

Lew Hartzog Track Poster
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Posted by: 1DAWG

The number of employees has to be rolled back to coincide with the current enrollment.  However the cuts must be strategic, from the perspective that you don't eliminate roles that have the ability to make you money (i.e. recruiting, fund raising, marketing, etc.).  SIU has to rebuild it's image....really they need an image.  Currently kids don't know why they would attend SIU.  This falls on leadership to correct this problem.  If there's no vision for changing the image and increasing enrollment, it's not going to happen under this regime.

Employees at SIU should be more concerned about the shrinking enrollment than the proposed changes the chancellor wants to make, from a jobs perspective.

We had more students in the early 90s and less staff/faculty.  Recreate that old org chart, fill those spots (on paper), move the bodies into those spots, and figure out how to use attrition and people leaving (motivated by pending future unemployment).  For the short period of time with excess employees staff up a little bit on org chart and justify each and every additional body added based on objective criteria.  This whole process is ridiculously simple to pull off.  Perhaps the IL legislature will prevent us from diverting funds from e and expedite this process.

“The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody has decided not to see.”
― Ayn Rand

Mike Reis Press Box Poster
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“The best thing about freshmen is that they become sophomores.”
-- Al McGuire

Mike Reis Press Box Poster
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Mike Reis Press Box Poster
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The "Comments" section is the best part.

“The best thing about freshmen is that they become sophomores.”
-- Al McGuire

Lew Hartzog Track Poster
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Posts: 429
Posted by: carrcar

The "Comments" section is the best part.

It is simply shocking the college isn't being told to correct this and other situations.  What use is the board?

“The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody has decided not to see.”
― Ayn Rand

McAndrew Stadium Poster
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According to WSIL, enrollment was supposed to be released today, but the administrator for enrollment on campus could not be reached because they were out of town for the holiday and won't be back until Tuesday. 


And why couldn't a lackey or someone higher up release that info? It must be bad...


"The bureaucratic mentality is the only constant in the universe." ~Dr. Leonard H. McCoy

Mike Reis Press Box Poster
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 610
Posted by: rabidsaluki

According to WSIL, enrollment was supposed to be released today, but the administrator for enrollment on campus could not be reached because they were out of town for the holiday and won't be back until Tuesday. 


And why couldn't a lackey or someone higher up release that info? It must be bad...


It may indeed be bad, but typically, news like this is delivered on a Friday before a three day Holiday. So maybe not? I don't have any idea.

March on triumphantly!

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