Last seen: September 14, 2024 8:57 pm
SLU(t) does its part to help make SIU Basketball great again.
Stony Brook has been a much, much better team than SIU has been for the last 6 even 8 or so years. Though they have only made 1 trip to the NCAA tour...
Thanks for posting that Saluki69 - that was a great read and brought back a lot of great memories too.
Well said Spike. I agree with much of what you've written. One minor exception - I think Bartley is MVC talent level material but very inconsistent ...
What's everyone think of the team so far? Hmmm....The mediocrity malaise continues unabated. I saw something on another website somewhere that the SIU...
Coach Hill waited too long, Hue Jackson is no longer available.
Me too. Though I bet we're thinking of different teams on each end of the blow-out game.
The test will be found invalid due to the high levels of bad bbq sauce....
Is this guy the Hefferlump of Buffalo? season, same old scheiße.
Never say never but, NDSU winning this Saturday seems to be as certain as death and taxes. Before the season started I figured SIU would have a best c...