Last seen: March 8, 2025 5:29 pm
If anyone knows of a source where I can watch this, please let me know. On the Big10 network I got the Indiana game instead. And the Big10 network i...
US News & World Report ranked colleges. U of Illinois ranked 13th best public school and 41st of all universities. SIU ranked 132nd of public un...
Pete Carroll said in his press conference that Adams has got a knee. Doesn’t matter, huge opportunity for Neal to be a starter for the next 15 games.
Ryan Neal moving into the first rotation at SS for the Seahawks. Jamal Adams tore a quad yesterday.
Did we leave too much time on the clock?
This kid playing center can’t compete at this level.
Put Williams at wr
Absolutely no pass rush doesn’t help.
This is the worst officiating crew in th MVFC - by far.
We don’t stretch the field vertically anymore. Is it no confidence in the qb or the wrs?
Bobber, I am floored that we made no adjustments in the secondary to stop those 40+ yard pass receptions.
Curious that we're in a 3-4 D when we know they are going to run.
Nic showed that something isn't right many times tonight. Nick didn't call any plays to stretch the field and get their db's back. And Nic threw wou...
UIW first to 50 points.