Last seen: March 10, 2025 5:45 am
or a Missouri State.
Murray Racer Scum getting erased in Terre Haute. Down 40.
We all make a living from one another’s ignorance.
@saluki82 yes, not to mention she wasn’t hired because of her basketball acumen.
@mr_woogers when and where did you coach?
is Zig Zigler still on this side of the grass? An intervention may be in order here.
I hope Referee Barbie is not calling this game.
It took everything I had! Now you get back to those eggrolls!!
Bravo. Well said. By the way, Murray beat Bradley. Murray is undersized.
@rebuildpostclow Over on the Redturd forum they are lamenting the fact that the Dawg Pound is showing up! Gotta love that!
@salukiworld Long way to go guys.
Totally agree. Add Chris Carr and Darren Brooks to the list.
I too was at that game, Doug Elgin sat directly behind me. Some old lady from Butler told security they needed to remove me as I was cheering for SIU!...
Uhhh...it was "swallows", not sucks. Sorry to be so graphic.