Last seen: January 28, 2025 7:44 pm
Fact, bbbq was told to cut all tieds to the passed. Every1 on campus who got hierd when Cheech and Chong was the chancelor had to pledge loyalty to h...
Can u park their?
we wont be uinted for long if u dont like quatros. lol
agree. did moser act crazy on the sideline hwen he was at isu like he deos now? he didnt learn that from majeerus.
no one epxected us to beat wichita. the loyola game in 18 was the worstt saluki game i ever saw. i drove amlost 6 hrs in a downpore to see loyola pu...
st lous arch madness could be fun this year. how much are tickets? is the hilton sold uot yet? havent been in sevenal years. this mite b the year t...
thats what i think
so EU fired McArty and hired Lickliter all in the same day? sounds fishie to me. Why did Lickey quit in August?
anyone kown what is going on in Evansville? seems to draging on for a long time.
nyone going? will be a lats minute decision if I driv down from burb?
anyone going to peoria on saturday?