Last seen: July 8, 2024 9:56 am
Ones I've still got on the radar:Jordan Nesbitt - Hampton Daniel Rouzan - Manhattan Dominic Parolin - Lehigh (Still really want this guy) Elija...
@salukiworld ooo Thanks for this I had missed Williams committing elsewhere
@mph I was too! That Craig Turner kickoff return TD is one of my favorites ever. Made Sportscenter Top 10
@dunkledog Ew why would we ever do that? Has there been discussions on it or something?
@rockin-dawg Temple COLLEGE lol
@salukis60 I think this kid really wants to come here. He likes and retweets our Saluki basketball account stuff constantly (Incredible investigative ...
Has Isaiah Foster committed somewhere else from Quincy?
They did say they have an individual giving $5 million to help out also...
@cosmos would they only add a basketball school? Or would we keep it 11, and the 20 game conference season and just do home/away with every team now?
@jabman62 The board and donors did not like Bryan Mullins is my guess.
@salukifan32 there's a reason people were pissed he left TTU 😎
Gotta say I love the vision Leonard has for our athletics. "A glutton for winning" indeed. I think they should connect with Mark Gazdik at Dayton too ...
@quatroschallengesaluki Nowadays it could be all the video and photo editing these kids are doing for their announcements LOL
Some true 5s I wouldn't mind seeing us go after that to my knowledge are still available:Javonte Brown - 7'0" from Western Michigan. Previously at TAM...
@quatroschallengesaluki Aligbe signed 4/29 just FYI