Last seen: January 5, 2025 7:18 pm
Yes, it's time
Hinson needs to go now!, maybe jumpstart team to a decent season, This season is lost, players are lost on the floor, fans dont care, next year siu w...
Need to protect home court if Salukis gonna win conference, I think SIU wins big
Alford would be a great fit for SIU, but unfortunately we don't have the $$ for a quality coach, He could start tomorrow!
I didn't like the Hinson hire from day one, but I gave him a chance thinking he learned something from self, but I didn't realize he wasn't really a c...
Really need to find a way to steal this win, somehow, some way, just one time, please!
Any win against slu is a good win in my book, would be good to protect home court against murry and take a shot at Buffalo at theirs, If Hinson and t...
I'll take it, good win, I wasn't impressed by slu, I thought they were better than the hype I been hearing about. Congrats to the team
I want to get excited, I want siu to win tonight, but everytime I get pumped up for the big game, we get pounded, lol, Hinson has to win a big game ...
I like the team, definitely have a chance to win some games in the mvc this year, I really think the schedule was really good this year. Until Hinson ...
Last year Siu had the better team and lost, this year slu has the better team, hopefully dawgs can find a way to beat a good team at home, Hate that s...
I've seen this too many times, nothing to say anymore, it's been said over and over and over again, cant wait for post game show!
I cant believe we are still talking about this guy, I'm still amazed there are actually people that support and justify Hinson being a basketball coac...
The opportunity to beat a power 5 team was there for the taking, UK did not play well, just couldn't make big shots. 1 Defense was really good 2 Cook...
Looks like a nice roster, wish we had a tougher schedule to see how good this team can be