Morris Saluki
Lew Hartzog Track Poster
Joined: March 29, 2018 5:20 am
Last seen: October 12, 2024 8:40 pm
Topics: 13 / Replies: 415
RE: Covid rules

What they aren't telling you is PCR tests recycle the samples to "build" proteins. If your positive is less than 25 AND you are symptomatic, then you...

4 years ago
RE: Best Buy Carbondale to close

Maybe Marion looking better to Best Buy or similar stores.

4 years ago
RE: Best Buy Carbondale to close

Is there an alternative in the area?

4 years ago
RE: Celebrity memorial thread

He was older than dirt when I was a kid. Those first 50 years weren't kind to him but that must have got better those last 43 years. It boggle...

4 years ago
RE: RIP Coach Herrin

Wasn't that the year a player was showing off and bounced the winning duck out of the rim off the top of his head?

4 years ago
RE: Evansville @ SIU 12/28/2020 5:00 PM ESPN+

We should have hired Todd over PT years ago. We'd have been dancing for a couple years by now.

4 years ago
RE: Student Enrollment

maybe the new guy will get the hint?

4 years ago
RE: Water Heats up for Bruce

Me too. Just not happy with our program took 10-12 years off of being relevant. That all could have been avoided.

4 years ago
RE: Derek Mason fired for wokeness

Her jersey now in College football HOF.

4 years ago
4 years ago
RE: Marshall:$7,300,000 for Punching Player, Student Athlete: Title Stripped for $252 Mistake

I'm more concerned with shenanigans the top level coaches get away with every single day that law enforcement and NCAA turn a blind eye too. Nobody r...

4 years ago
RE: Water Heats up for Bruce

To think what he could have accomplished had he stayed here.

4 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 1819
RE: SIU president breaks long tradition in moving his primary office from flagship Carbondale campus

That job needs to be out of Carbondale anyway. I can't believe e has participated in the reduced funding scam for so long, maybe now, they'll be some...

4 years ago
RE: Salukis back to work

It doesn't count when you are playing against "friendlies"

4 years ago
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