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Lew Hartzog Track Poster
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 218

Posted by: @cosmos

I'm heartened that we're almost at 1000 posts about the coaching change. It's nice to be among a fanbase that cares. That said, Missouri State has hit 1,100 in less time so PICK IT UP, LOSERS. Haha. Can we just hire a coach already  . . . a good one.

that’s more comments than their average attendance this year 


Cosmos and SalukiWorld reacted
Lew Hartzog Track Poster
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 270


that’s why they want to stay HC’s I don’t think you go into a new job Willy Nilly. Because if you fail. You may never be a HC again!

Barkeep 1967
Saluki Platnum Member Admin
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Some of you need to learn how to put 2 and 2 together.    Lots of smokescreens.   Pretty sure we have it. 

AirDawg86 reacted
Mike Reis Press Box Poster
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 463

Posted by: @kiwiball


that’s why they want to stay HC’s I don’t think you go into a new job Willy Nilly. Because if you fail. You may never be a HC again!

Theoretically. I've been around a lot of coaches and I've never met one with head coach aspirations that didn't think they could find a solution to something.


Saluki Platnum Member
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Posted by: @barkeep-1967

Some of you need to learn how to put 2 and 2 together.    Lots of smokescreens.   Pretty sure we have it. 

I'm confused what we're supposed to be putting together here 🤣 


Quatros Saluki
Itchy Jones Stadium Poster
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Posted by: @barkeep-1967

Some of you need to learn how to put 2 and 2 together.    Lots of smokescreens.   Pretty sure we have it. 

Spradlin head coach? Williams, Smithpeters, and McCollum assistants? haha


Salukifan32 and Cosmos reacted
Mike Reis Press Box Poster
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 463

Posted by: @quatroschallengesaluki

Posted by: @barkeep-1967

Some of you need to learn how to put 2 and 2 together.    Lots of smokescreens.   Pretty sure we have it. 

Spradlin head coach? William, Smithpeters, and McCollum assistants? haha


The true Redeem Team


Mike Reis Press Box Poster
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Posts: 463

In 3 years if Purdue keeps flaming out, get the band back together, Painter, Bruce, Mullins, Owens, and elevate Kid Kent. With Rodney on radio it'll be a full house.

AirDawg86 and Saluki44 reacted
Itchy Jones Stadium Poster
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Posts: 965

Posted by: @kiwiball


is SIU the attractive job it once was.  Again as I stated before.  Last coach wins 42 games in 2 years and he gets canned. What is a new coach thinking now.  Do I want to go there?

with nothing to show for it other than a couple wins against some decent teams. 


Saluki Platnum Member
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I don't think Kent Williams has been a head coach that long, but do not forget that Rich Herrin was a high school coach and a darn good one... Of course he also won over 700 games as a high school coach before turning SIU around.

Tony Young is another alum who has been a high school coach for a long time and also coached as an assistant under Rich Majerus.

Rockin' Dawg
McAndrew Stadium Poster
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No, just no.  If either of those HS coaches are hired to be our HC at SIU, I will not only be shocked.  I will cancel my season tickets.  We have to be aiming higher than that.

Saluki Platnum Member
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Posted by: @mr_woogers

I don't think Kent Williams has been a head coach that long, but do not forget that Rich Herrin was a high school coach and a darn good one... Of course he also won over 700 games as a high school coach before turning SIU around.

It's a much different era than when they hired Herrin.  You've got to be able to work the portal.  The new coach is likely gonna come in with 0 returning players. 

I love Kent Williams but they were better off just keeping Bryan at that point.  And I'd much rather hire Smithpeters if they were really hiring an alum.

Dawg Pound Poster
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Posts: 4

I have read reports that DeVries will be announced as the new head coach at West Virginia at a press conference on Tuesday.


Saluki44 reacted
McAndrew Stadium Poster Admin
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Posted by: @iceman

I have read reports that DeVries will be announced as the new head coach at West Virginia at a press conference on Tuesday.

Wonder if the son is going with him?


Lew Hartzog Track Poster
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 270

Posted by: @oberkfell

Posted by: @kiwiball


is SIU the attractive job it once was.  Again as I stated before.  Last coach wins 42 games in 2 years and he gets canned. What is a new coach thinking now.  Do I want to go there?

with nothing to show for it other than a couple wins against some decent teams. 



The point I was attempting to make here. 
Any coach interested in making a move looks at the new job as a whole. 
1 are the facilities better here than what I have? 2. Is the administration here serious about the program. 3. How much of a rebuild is this going to take. 4. Why was the last coach let go. 5. Is the fan base passionate about the program. 6. What are the salary range and money that goes into the program (travel, assistant coaches salaries, recruiting budget, etc) 7 History of the program. 
These questions are often thought about when pursuing a new HC job. It would be something coaches would think to ask themselves when going for an interview and maybe even ask during an interview. 

Yes coaches have egos, but also self preservation to keep them as a HC. 

Just wanted to make a point what a coach might be looking at when job hunting!

Peace out!


This post was modified 6 months ago by KIWIBALL

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