N Iowa here Wednesd...
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N Iowa here Wednesday @8p

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Saluki Stadium Poster
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 81
Posted by: @atlantasaluki

It is moving along just like BM said at the beginning, getting better every practice, every day.  I believe with this they will win some road games, Saturday being an excellent chance.  I see floorburn U on the court again.  What fun!

I started the season drinking small amounts of Koolaid hoping for some progress this year.  While I don't think we'll win the MVC this year, I don't think we'll finish last.  Next year is a different story, if Mullins recruits as well as he has this year, we should have quite a year.  Floorburn U. is back.


Itchy Jones Stadium Poster
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 953

what makes it even more impressive is we keep losing players and don't miss a beat.

we can take the next step tomorrow. give brown the start.

Craving a McBride Special!

Quatros Saluki
Itchy Jones Stadium Poster
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 842

It may just be me.... but I think this pic has potential to be turned into some great memes. lol

Really kind of looks like Brown is slapping Mullins in the special area. lol

Salty Dawg
Davies Gym Poster
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 13

Want to say felt that ol Saluki magic Wednsday, that I have not felt since the 2000's. No matter what we always win at the arena.  It's like the crowd wills it to happen.  

Saluki 69 reacted
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