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Saluki Players Discussion

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Saluki Platnum Member
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SIU Arena Poster
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Posted by: @salukiworld

Whether it's 3rd, 2nd or 1st, you're looking at an ALL MVC Player this coming season right there.  

rafflaw reacted
ReSaluki 88
McAndrew Stadium Poster
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Posts: 1415
Posted by: @salukiworld

With the likes of Jones, Domask, Brown, Johnson and Newton on the team next year we will have some serious veteran leadership!

Rockin' Dawg reacted
Mike Reis Press Box Poster
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Posted by: @resaluki-88
Posted by: @salukiworld

With the likes of Jones, Domask, Brown, Johnson and Newton on the team next year we will have some serious veteran leadership!

We should also add Muila to that list, a 5th year senior.

INSaluki and rafflaw reacted
Saluki Platnum Member
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JR Jacobs is up on the SIU roster page:

New numbers:

Clarence Rupert #4

Xavier Johnson #10

Jawaun Newton #13

AJ Ferguson #14

JR Jacobs #15

Cade Hornecker #21

DR222 and rafflaw reacted
Saluki Platnum Member
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rafflaw, ReSaluki 88, INSaluki and 1 people reacted
Mike Reis Press Box Poster
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Madness 144 Preview is at #103 as of today. Hoping Salukis come in well under 100. But I'm no good at this stuff.

March on triumphantly!

rafflaw and DR222 reacted
Mike Reis Press Box Poster
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 613
Posted by: @maroonloon

Madness 144 Preview is at #103 as of today. Hoping Salukis come in well under 100. But I'm no good at this stuff.

Indiana State is ranked at #125 Overall and #4 in the Valley.

That leaves three spots left to rank.  I am sure Drake will be preseason favored to be #1 in the Valley.

Total of four Valley teams included in this ranking this year. 

Last years top-144 had four Valley teams ranked; Loyola (#49), Drake (#66), Missouri State (#74), and Evansville (#125) plus both Belmont (#34) and Murray State (#67).

Saluki44 and rafflaw reacted
Mike Reis Press Box Poster
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Posts: 613
Posted by: @salukiworld

Good to see the team and staff having fun together while not on the basketball court!!

Go Dawgs!

rafflaw reacted
Saluki Platnum Member
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Posts: 12104
Posted by: @dr222
Posted by: @maroonloon

Madness 144 Preview is at #103 as of today. Hoping Salukis come in well under 100. But I'm no good at this stuff.

Indiana State is ranked at #125 Overall and #4 in the Valley.

That leaves three spots left to rank.  I am sure Drake will be preseason favored to be #1 in the Valley.

Total of four Valley teams included in this ranking this year. 

Last years top-144 had four Valley teams ranked; Loyola (#49), Drake (#66), Missouri State (#74), and Evansville (#125) plus both Belmont (#34) and Murray State (#67).

Indiana State ranked #4 and that high is pretty wild.  Really hard for national guys to rank the Valley though.  It's even hard for people that are fans of the Valley to rank the conference with the amount of turnover.  

Guessing SIU shows up pretty soon, not that it matters much

ReSaluki 88
McAndrew Stadium Poster
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Posts: 1415
Posted by: @dr222
Posted by: @maroonloon

Madness 144 Preview is at #103 as of today. Hoping Salukis come in well under 100. But I'm no good at this stuff.

Indiana State is ranked at #125 Overall and #4 in the Valley.

That leaves three spots left to rank.  I am sure Drake will be preseason favored to be #1 in the Valley.

Total of four Valley teams included in this ranking this year. 

Last years top-144 had four Valley teams ranked; Loyola (#49), Drake (#66), Missouri State (#74), and Evansville (#125) plus both Belmont (#34) and Murray State (#67).

Looks like they were fairly accurate with everyone in last years pre-season poll except for Evansville. How in the heck did they have Evansville #125 pre-season!

Maroonloon reacted
SIU Arena Poster
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Posts: 2648
Posted by: @salukiworld
Posted by: @dr222
Posted by: @maroonloon

Madness 144 Preview is at #103 as of today. Hoping Salukis come in well under 100. But I'm no good at this stuff.

Indiana State is ranked at #125 Overall and #4 in the Valley.

That leaves three spots left to rank.  I am sure Drake will be preseason favored to be #1 in the Valley.

Total of four Valley teams included in this ranking this year. 

Last years top-144 had four Valley teams ranked; Loyola (#49), Drake (#66), Missouri State (#74), and Evansville (#125) plus both Belmont (#34) and Murray State (#67).

Indiana State ranked #4 and that high is pretty wild.  Really hard for national guys to rank the Valley though.  It's even hard for people that are fans of the Valley to rank the conference with the amount of turnover.  

Guessing SIU shows up pretty soon, not that it matters much

After Drake, there is no team in the MVC that has both strong recent success and much roster continuity. There are several teams that could rise up and finish anywhere from second to much lower, and I think Indiana State belongs with that group. I like their combination of returnees and newcomers and could see them being one of the league's most improved teams ... they lost a bunch of close games last year and had injury issues, not to mention it having been Schertz's first year.

BTW, not implying Drake is a lock to win the league - just that, on paper, they are a clear preseason favorite.

This post was modified 2 years ago by siudawgs

Mike Reis Press Box Poster
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 555

Madness 144 Preview at #93 today with Utah Valley. (?) That's interesting and a new one for me.

Thinking Salukis show up at #88. Kind of boring in this dead zone before football.

March on triumphantly!

Mike Reis Press Box Poster
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 613

Nice photo gallery of practice.   Looks like we have a 7 footer that can jump!!

Austinsaluki and rafflaw reacted
SIU Arena Poster
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Posts: 3541


Difficult to really take anything away from pictures only, but the 2 of the things I noticed (and again it could be nothing) is that Cade looked a lot thicker than I thought he would be and Ebube wasn't focused on (in the picture taking at least).  Most importantly, the time is drawing nearer for this team to take the floor for the season and I cannot wait.  Even without seeing the schedule, I have this team winning 18-20 games this season. 

DR222 reacted
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