Turnovers the entire second half
Anderson travelled - Mullins pissed
This ref crew was pathetic. Until the staff realizes the team comes back or maintains a lead without Troy doing dumb things and being on the court they can take the blame too. Pay me six figures to play a bench player and lose. I’ll gladly do it. I’m out
First game I've seen us play where we did not look good at any point in this one. I'm checking out until STL hopefully we can figure out 40 minutes of ball before then.
Saluki Insider? I barely know her!
Listen I like to give X some slack given how much he has carried us this year, but he has really struggled this game with decision making. No one has really helped outside Rupert, but Jesus some of these possessions down the stretch.
D'Amico is 2-8 for 5 points. Brutal game
Trent doesn’t get much done late with tired legs.
He should be coming off the bench as well as Damico.
X has a chance to tie and instead...wedgie
@siu_2011 he was also double teamed a lot - Jacobsen knew if you can hold him down, you can beat us
UNI 61
SIU 57