Dallas, Here we com...
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[Closed] Dallas, Here we come...

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Charlotte West Stadium Poster
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Got an early Christmas from my husband...

we're going to Dallas to see the Irish beat Clemson in the Cotton Bowl!

Leaving on the 27th and flying home on the 31st!  Can't wait to represent all my Saluki friends who are supporting the Irish.

Next stop is Santa Clara!

Mike Reis Press Box Poster
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Posted by: SalukiWilson

Got an early Christmas from my husband...

we're going to Dallas to see the Irish beat Clemson in the Cotton Bowl!

Leaving on the 27th and flying home on the 31st!  Can't wait to represent all my Saluki friends who are supporting the Irish.

Next stop is Santa Clara!

Well that is wonderful news. I hope the airline loses your luggage.

SlyDawg reacted
Barkeep 1967
SIU Arena Poster Admin
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I am pretty sure the idea of Norte Dame winning will disappear about halfway through the 2nd quarter 

Saluki 69 reacted
Mike Reis Press Box Poster
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Posts: 720
Posted by: Barkeep 1967

I am pretty sure the idea of Norte Dame winning will disappear about halfway through the 2nd quarter 

I wish they were playing Bama. Now that's an ass whippin I would enjoy to watch in person.

Charlotte West Stadium Poster
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You're all hateful.

Saluki Platnum Member
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Posted by: SalukiWilson

You're all hateful.

Calm down Muffet.

Just remember they're all Protestants!

Charlotte West Stadium Poster
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Just landed at DFW after a slight delay and the Irish are swarming!

Already met a Saluki who works for American Airlines...such a comfort to know the best aviation program in the country gets us safely from city to city!

Headed to Arlington to see the stadium then downtown Dallas to see where the greatest American president was slain 55 years ago. 


Go Irish!

Beat Clemson!

Saluki 69
SIU Arena Poster Admin
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23-3 Clemson at the half.

Mike Reis Press Box Poster
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Barkeep 1967
SIU Arena Poster Admin
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Posts: 3433

I hope you enjoyed the game as much as I did 😬😬

Saluki 69 reacted
Saluki Platnum Member
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You didn't really think a team that struggled against 4 - 8 Testicle Tech and medicore USC and vastly overrated Michigan (OSU 62-39, Florida 41-15) was going to beat Clemson, did you?


Itchy Jones Stadium Poster
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I'm normally a good sport, win or lose. But this obnoxious troll created an exception.

Eat the shit you've been doling out all year, asshole. 

See what it's like to play an ACTUAL top 10 team? 





(Inflammatory political snark)

Itchy Jones Stadium Poster
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Posted by: Mr_Woogers

You didn't really think a team that struggled against 4 - 8 Testicle Tech and medicore USC and vastly overrated Michigan (OSU 62-39, Florida 41-15) was going to beat Clemson, did you?


Yep, I'm a huge Michigan fan.  I watched them struggle against some mediocre teams this year. I knew it was only a matter of time before they would falter, and they got blown out in their final two games. 

Georgia is and always was significantly better than Notre Dame and should have been in the College Playoff.  That's just a fact. 

Notre Dame needs to get in a conference. Period.  

And nobody needs to tell me Georgia should have won their conference and they'd be in. It's the fucking SEC, or NFL Light as I call it. 

Mike Reis Press Box Poster
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Of course ND deserved to be in the playoffs...so did a lot of other teams. Unfortunately the bosses who run the NCAA football factory can't figure out a way to run a tournament. Here are some suggestions: Look at the NCAA FCS Division, or Div 2, or Div3, or NAIA, or the NJCAA, or any state HS football championship...the list goes on. The problem is they're not using a score card, but a calculator to evaluate the situation.

“The best thing about freshmen is that they become sophomores.”
-- Al McGuire

Mike Reis Press Box Poster
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 720

I would love to be on that flight back home.

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