Saluki Stadium Poster
Joined: March 29, 2018 6:34 pm
Last seen: March 6, 2025 2:38 pm
Topics: 7 / Replies: 84
RE: Sunshine Slam: UTSA vs SIU 6:30 PM 11/8/19

I'm surprised Lance Jones didn't have a better game. He looked really good in the exhibition game.

5 years ago
RE: Sunshine Slam: UTSA vs SIU 6:30 PM 11/8/19

So, are Suggs, Davis, and Dembele all still out?

5 years ago
RE: Sunshine Slam: UTSA vs SIU 6:30 PM 11/8/19

@gobluesaluki I'm too cheap, plus I work tomorrow, so I might only get to watch one game.I'm in Cape and can listen to WCIL.

5 years ago
RE: Minnesota State at SIU (exhibition)

Just got home from the game. They were pretty tight in the first half and looked pretty meh, but still played good D. They loosened up in the second...

5 years ago
RE: Minnesota State at SIU (exhibition)

Okay! I found my 2007 Salukitalk t-shirt with the South Park caricatures of the team to wear to tonight's game.

5 years ago
RE: Minnesota State at SIU (exhibition)

I'll be going to a Saluki game for the first time in a long time.I have a question. Since it's an exhibition game, can Ben Harvey play in this one?

5 years ago
RE: Bad timing

Please note that I said nothing about being happy about moving to Missouri or dissing Illinois. Strictly work related. Didn't intend to start a polit...

6 years ago
RE: 2019-2020 roster

Pending redshirts, another addition, and resolution of eligibility questions, I see the depth chart looking something like this:1-2: Cook, McGill, Jo...

6 years ago
6 years ago
Replies: 13
Views: 3613
RE: 2019-2020 roster

I was about to ask about him as well. The schools that recruited him for basketball weren't D1. He won't be able to work with the team much until af...

6 years ago
RE: 2019 Hoops Recruits

According the Illini board, January didn't qualify and is going JUCO, and Higgs may not be physically able to play anymore. So they're all hot on Wol...

6 years ago
RE: Carbondale/Southern Illinois restaurants

I've eaten at the Blue Boar a few times (I live just a couple miles from there.). It's okay. They claim to have authentic cajun cuisine. The acousti...

7 years ago
RE: Basement Dwelling Cheeto Eaters

Posted by: SalukiIllini You’re right. We should just turn the lights off and let SIU do what they want. Barkeep - just shut her down. Nothing left...

7 years ago
RE: Basement Dwelling Cheeto Eaters

So I just read this thread through, and I think it's pretty funny that a handful of Cheetos eaters think they have the power to make a university fire...

7 years ago
RE: Carbondale/Southern Illinois restaurants

Thanks for the suggestions. Yes, I told him about Cummare's, and the Bombay Olive. I don't think they like Middle Eastern food. Is the new El Greco...

7 years ago
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