Last seen: November 7, 2022 9:53 pm
Anyone else having issues with the sound on the broadcast?
@packerdawg Thanks... I'll give it a try.
Listening to the WIU crew on the ESPN feed reminds me of nails on a chalkboard... ugh! Mike R has occasionally plugged a service that allows a radio b...
What happened to Griffin Cerra? I can only imagine how a kicker can get hurt during warm-ups... and I don't like what I'm imagining. I hope it is just...
HUGE 4th & 10 conversion... 18 yd TD pass follows... 10-9 DAWGS at the half! "How about this, Saluki fans!" -M. Reis
Big plays seem to be our bug-a-boo... Touchdown Bunnies, but the PAT was blocked. 6-3 Bad guys at the start of the 2nd qtr
Traded 3-n-outs... recovered a fumble... kicked a 31 yd FG into a very stiff wind. 3-0 good guys Good news on the broadcast front...? The USD/IN ST g...
@beadmedaddio I tried clicking on the USD/IN ST link, with the hopes that someone in CT might have the SD schools mixed up... nope. It's Yotes vs Tre...
Losing DJ was a big blow, but we struggled all night with the six inches between the ears. We weren't beaten by a clearly superior FBS team... we los...
@rabidsaluki Correct... which is $25K more than we were supposed to get if we had played Liberty as originally scheduled. There was no guarantee with...
@beadmedaddio Per this article, our guarantee is $300K.
FYI: I found the article (linked below) when researching how our $25K pay-day came to be. Maine at Liberty, Oct. 19; Southern Illinois at Massachuset...
This is wonderful news! Assuming players, coaches, and official entourage is around 50 people per school... where do they stay? Carbondale runs out o...