Last seen: February 12, 2019 1:10 pm
Thank you, Coach Summit.
Even worse, you don't know how to run the restaurant but you go to a website bicker and complain about it because you feel entitled to run the restaur...
Oh, so... You walk into a restaurant, look around, tell the owner you want to be the manager with the exclusive right to hire and fire because you kno...
Nothing is wrong with me. At least nothing is wrong with me that a few days in the Caribbean wouldn't cure. It's cold. But thank you for reminding m...
70%-80% of our property taxes are spent on public education. We are the biggest financial supporters. That will not change. Gary Wilson is one of my a...
You'd best be careful talking like this. Correcting false information apparently isn't welcome on this website.
I'm not a troll. Far from it. What do you want to know about my years in Carbondale? I will continue challenging all the nonsense I keep reading on ...
Are you in nursery school? waa, waa, waa....keep on crying, big boy. "My way or the highway" sounds an awful lot like our basketball coach.
From what I've been reading, you're at the front of that line of people who don't understand what is going on.
Wow. You people are hateful. Crippling all of Saluki athletics because you don't like the basketball coach is selfish. Perhaps you should concentra...
In other words, you only give to get something back (otherwise known as a Native American giver) and you've lost your voice because your opinion no lo...
My first post outside the Notre Dame thread. It's frozen here on the farm so thought I'd take a look around. Seems like Hinson is on the hot seat. ...
Thank you, Mr Obvious. There aren't any message boards for Salukis who are fans of the Blessed Mother and Fighting Irish.
My grandmother used to say that a lot of people were up to nothing but meanness and she was right. You people are up to nothing but meannness.
Well, Alabama didn't show me anything on Monday night to prove they're any better than the Irish. In fact, Clemson crushed them worse than they did t...