Last seen: March 7, 2025 11:42 am
@obd The moment news broke that Lowery got fired it was the beginning of class in the communications building. I just stared at my phone in disbelief....
Hefferman?? 😉 Ya know, you always make fun of the beat reporter until he no longer beats, ya know what I'm saying?
@oberkfell sweet jesus it's already been two coaching hiring and firings since we last heard from MSN. Wow, did he ever stick to his promise to not re...
On a more serious note, this is the kind of stuff that irritates me a little bit: I have a particular section of the extended family who have athlet...
I fall for basketball coaches like I fall for my women. Once you're in my head, it's over. I'm hooked. It's done. I fall hard. I want Spradlin or...
@dunkledog I know that my family should start reserving my room in the insane asylym right now. That's what I know. 😆
Come on SIU, get Spradlin! Pull this off, Mr. Leonard, you brilliant bastard! Do it! Do it! Do it! Go all the way! Almost there, baby, just a liiiiitt...
Jack Goelke coming off screeners was more movement without the ball in 40 minutes than I saw from SIU all season. That was beautiful.
Not me over here wondering why you're getting blasted for thinking that SIU, in the least, reached out to Weber to seek his opinion or any other input...
Am I living in a bizzaro world? If I go to campus right now, am I going to find everything on its opposite end? Like that Seinfeld episode? Our SIU...
Keep going, SIU. Keeeeep goooooiinngg! We're almost there!
We officially chose a low-major player over an MVC first-teamer. oof. And by "oof" I mean "OOF!"
This will be the first tournament in a couple decades that I don't fill out a bracket. My dad works at an engineering firm and, back in the day, would...
Not getting ahead of myself here, lot of basketball still to be played and (coaching) deals to be discussed.....but I've gotta think there's a good ch...