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A Glass Half-Full column...

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Abe Martin Field Poster
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...your thoughts? 

(1) US COVID-19 statistics (February 29, 2020-June 16, 2020): 2,124,000 reported cases and 115,052 deaths
(2) Donald Trump (June 15, 2020) told a group of senior citizens that there would be very few cases of COVID-19 if the US stopped its testing and contact tracing: "If we stop testing right now, we'd have very few cases, actually."
(3) Donald Trump [(Jan 20, 2020), when asked if he's worried about a pandemic]: “No. Not at all. And we have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s — going to be just fine.”

Charlotte West Stadium Poster
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SIU Arena Poster
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More Hinson PR from Les. Surprise, surprise.

Lew Hartzog Track Poster Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 253

His main points were transfers (his fault) and a 22 win season (weak ass schedule).  Good riddance. 

airflowrc reacted
McAndrew Stadium Poster
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 1262

I agree and I don't.  When you read anything Winkler has written, keep in mind his insights are always rudimentary  at best. 


Firstly, a Hinson quote really struck me,  "Hinson told Montemagno if the Salukis failed to make the NIT or the NCAA tournament this year he would step aside."  Why would he make that promise.  I suppose he had to.  It must have been the only way to save his job.  Hinson is/was virtually a complete stranger to post season over his entire career.  I believe he only made the NIT 2-3 times -- and not even close the last 7.  And let's touch on the resignation versus firing.  Hinson was fired.  Period.  He was allowed to resign or be FIRED.  When one is given an ultimatum, and must attain it or fired, it simply means you were FIRED.  


Secondly, Winkler states Hinson's record.  116-111.  To me, those numbers are average at best.  However to Winkler they should be chiseled in stone on Mt. Olympus.  Now let's take out the dozens (I am not about to go over the last 7 seasons of W/L records to get the exact number) of victories over schools who we had absolutely no business playing in the first place, and we are well under 500.  And I really only care about our record in the Valley.  That was below 500 too.  Proof that Hinson was/is a below 500 coach.  I view a  below average coach equals a poor coach.  


Thirdly, quotes from Winkler, "The numbers belie Hinson’s true legacy at SIU. I fear too many people will not view Hinson’s time at SIU in proper context."  This proves what Winkler's approach to Hinson was.  Paint him through rose colored glasses.  Never talk about the negatives.  This was Winkler's approach throughout the Hinson years.  Winkler simply can't keep his personal feelings, about anything, out of his writings.  Winkler is not an objective journalist.  Proves it all the time.  He continues to paint a weak and failed coach with a complimentary brush.  Yet he has no problem going after those of us asking for the Hinson years to end.  His quote,  "The press conference undoubtedly elated some of SIU’s fan base."  A quote with the intent to camouflage his affections for Hinson and his disdain for those of us who wanted a change.  


Fourthly, Winkler tries to paint Hinson as a victim who never even had a chance to be successful.  Winkler goes after the transfers.  The little rat bastards in his little mind.  Absolutely the transfers hurt the program.  Jordan Caroline, for one, could have been a huge contributor this year.  But why did he leave?  We all know it was because Hinson wasn't a good enough coach to identify Caroline's strengths and utilize them.  Caroline knew it too.  And left to a play for a good coach/program.  I don't fault Caroline for this.  But Winkler and Hinson do.  I was happy for the transfers going to programs where they could achieve their goals.  


Fifthly, Winkler's take on academics.  We agree.  Hinson should get all the credit in the world for getting the players to the classroom.  It was the only aspect of the program that Hinson did well.  But the classroom is only one aspect of college basketball.  Doing only 1 thing well is simply not enough.  


Sixthly, Winkler writes, "SIU basketball is in much better condition than it was when Hinson arrived on in 2011. That cannot be overlooked."  Really.  Really.  Really!  This is not a comparison with any merits.  It's like comparing a person who only murdered one person to Jeff Dahmer.  He murdered, and ate, 17 boys.  Well, at least the person who murdered only 1 person didn't kill and eat 17 children.  I get it.  It's an over the top analogy.  But I purposely made it to prove a point.  Simply being better than the worst doesn't alway make you good.


In closing, Winkler then goes after all the fans of SIU basketball.  He even goes after society as a whole.  Quote, "However, in today’s world of NCAA basketball, success is not measured in terms of academic progress, nor the integrity of the players coaches bring to campus. Advancing to the NCAA tournament is the only metric that really matters, a point Hinson addressed in his tearful farewell."  Okay Winkler, we get it.  We are truly the bad guys here.  SIU and its fans have absolutely no business asking for a program that can challenge to compete in the NCAA Tournament year in and year out.  We all should be shot, hung, and then thrown off a bridge.  Hinson should then be crowned KING OF ALL THAT IS COLLEGE BASKETBALL.  He simply wasn't given a long enough period for turning this program around.  He deserves another 7-10 years.


Winkler, why don't you make this FIRING OF HINSON perfect by retiring yourself?

I'm not sayin' -- I'm just sayin'!

siudawgs reacted
Itchy Jones Stadium Poster
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 765
Posted by: beadmedaddio

I agree and I don't.  When you read anything Winkler has written, keep in mind his insights are always rudimentary  at best. 


Firstly, a Hinson quote really struck me,  "Hinson told Montemagno if the Salukis failed to make the NIT or the NCAA tournament this year he would step aside."  Why would he make that promise.  I suppose he had to.  It must have been the only way to save his job.  Hinson is/was virtually a complete stranger to post season over his entire career.  I believe he only made the NIT 2-3 times -- and not even close the last 7.  And let's touch on the resignation versus firing.  Hinson was fired.  Period.  He was allowed to resign or be FIRED.  When one is given an ultimatum, and must attain it or fired, it simply means you were FIRED.  


Secondly, Winkler states Hinson's record.  116-111.  To me, those numbers are average at best.  However to Winkler they should be chiseled in stone on Mt. Olympus.  Now let's take out the dozens (I am not about to go over the last 7 seasons of W/L records to get the exact number) of victories over schools who we had absolutely no business playing in the first place, and we are well under 500.  And I really only care about our record in the Valley.  That was below 500 too.  Proof that Hinson was/is a below 500 coach.  I view a  below average coach equals a poor coach.  


Thirdly, quotes from Winkler, "The numbers belie Hinson’s true legacy at SIU. I fear too many people will not view Hinson’s time at SIU in proper context."  This proves what Winkler's approach to Hinson was.  Paint him through rose colored glasses.  Never talk about the negatives.  This was Winkler's approach throughout the Hinson years.  Winkler simply can't keep his personal feelings, about anything, out of his writings.  Winkler is not an objective journalist.  Proves it all the time.  He continues to paint a weak and failed coach with a complimentary brush.  Yet he has no problem going after those of us asking for the Hinson years to end.  His quote,  "The press conference undoubtedly elated some of SIU’s fan base."  A quote with the intent to camouflage his affections for Hinson and his disdain for those of us who wanted a change.  


Fourthly, Winkler tries to paint Hinson as a victim who never even had a chance to be successful.  Winkler goes after the transfers.  The little rat bastards in his little mind.  Absolutely the transfers hurt the program.  Jordan Caroline, for one, could have been a huge contributor this year.  But why did he leave?  We all know it was because Hinson wasn't a good enough coach to identify Caroline's strengths and utilize them.  Caroline knew it too.  And left to a play for a good coach/program.  I don't fault Caroline for this.  But Winkler and Hinson do.  I was happy for the transfers going to programs where they could achieve their goals.  


Fifthly, Winkler's take on academics.  We agree.  Hinson should get all the credit in the world for getting the players to the classroom.  It was the only aspect of the program that Hinson did well.  But the classroom is only one aspect of college basketball.  Doing only 1 thing well is simply not enough.  


Sixthly, Winkler writes, "SIU basketball is in much better condition than it was when Hinson arrived on in 2011. That cannot be overlooked."  Really.  Really.  Really!  This is not a comparison with any merits.  It's like comparing a person who only murdered one person to Jeff Dahmer.  He murdered, and ate, 17 boys.  Well, at least the person who murdered only 1 person didn't kill and eat 17 children.  I get it.  It's an over the top analogy.  But I purposely made it to prove a point.  Simply being better than the worst doesn't alway make you good.


In closing, Winkler then goes after all the fans of SIU basketball.  He even goes after society as a whole.  Quote, "However, in today’s world of NCAA basketball, success is not measured in terms of academic progress, nor the integrity of the players coaches bring to campus. Advancing to the NCAA tournament is the only metric that really matters, a point Hinson addressed in his tearful farewell."  Okay Winkler, we get it.  We are truly the bad guys here.  SIU and its fans have absolutely no business asking for a program that can challenge to compete in the NCAA Tournament year in and year out.  We all should be shot, hung, and then thrown off a bridge.  Hinson should then be crowned KING OF ALL THAT IS COLLEGE BASKETBALL.  He simply wasn't given a long enough period for turning this program around.  He deserves another 7-10 years.


Winkler, why don't you make this FIRING OF HINSON perfect by retiring yourself?

Hinson played the pity card again, and people that liked him fell for it again . SIU payed Hinson over 2.5 million to win basketball games and he failed. With his folksy humor and poor scheduling he tried to distract people from what his job really was .  The SIU fans that truly care about the program want to win and compete at the highest level and they demanded more . Hinson couldn’t do that . It’s time to move on and look to the future of SIU basketball.  I look for a new coach to be named quickly and then we can embrace a new era of SIU basketball. 

beadmedaddio reacted
Mike Reis Press Box Poster
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 603
Posted by: beadmedaddio

I agree and I don't.  When you read anything Winkler has written, keep in mind his insights are always rudimentary  at best. 


Firstly, a Hinson quote really struck me,  "Hinson told Montemagno if the Salukis failed to make the NIT or the NCAA tournament this year he would step aside."  Why would he make that promise.  I suppose he had to.  It must have been the only way to save his job.  Hinson is/was virtually a complete stranger to post season over his entire career.  I believe he only made the NIT 2-3 times -- and not even close the last 7.  And let's touch on the resignation versus firing.  Hinson was fired.  Period.  He was allowed to resign or be FIRED.  When one is given an ultimatum, and must attain it or fired, it simply means you were FIRED.  


Secondly, Winkler states Hinson's record.  116-111.  To me, those numbers are average at best.  However to Winkler they should be chiseled in stone on Mt. Olympus.  Now let's take out the dozens (I am not about to go over the last 7 seasons of W/L records to get the exact number) of victories over schools who we had absolutely no business playing in the first place, and we are well under 500.  And I really only care about our record in the Valley.  That was below 500 too.  Proof that Hinson was/is a below 500 coach.  I view a  below average coach equals a poor coach.  


Thirdly, quotes from Winkler, "The numbers belie Hinson’s true legacy at SIU. I fear too many people will not view Hinson’s time at SIU in proper context."  This proves what Winkler's approach to Hinson was.  Paint him through rose colored glasses.  Never talk about the negatives.  This was Winkler's approach throughout the Hinson years.  Winkler simply can't keep his personal feelings, about anything, out of his writings.  Winkler is not an objective journalist.  Proves it all the time.  He continues to paint a weak and failed coach with a complimentary brush.  Yet he has no problem going after those of us asking for the Hinson years to end.  His quote,  "The press conference undoubtedly elated some of SIU’s fan base."  A quote with the intent to camouflage his affections for Hinson and his disdain for those of us who wanted a change.  


Fourthly, Winkler tries to paint Hinson as a victim who never even had a chance to be successful.  Winkler goes after the transfers.  The little rat bastards in his little mind.  Absolutely the transfers hurt the program.  Jordan Caroline, for one, could have been a huge contributor this year.  But why did he leave?  We all know it was because Hinson wasn't a good enough coach to identify Caroline's strengths and utilize them.  Caroline knew it too.  And left to a play for a good coach/program.  I don't fault Caroline for this.  But Winkler and Hinson do.  I was happy for the transfers going to programs where they could achieve their goals.  


Fifthly, Winkler's take on academics.  We agree.  Hinson should get all the credit in the world for getting the players to the classroom.  It was the only aspect of the program that Hinson did well.  But the classroom is only one aspect of college basketball.  Doing only 1 thing well is simply not enough.  


Sixthly, Winkler writes, "SIU basketball is in much better condition than it was when Hinson arrived on in 2011. That cannot be overlooked."  Really.  Really.  Really!  This is not a comparison with any merits.  It's like comparing a person who only murdered one person to Jeff Dahmer.  He murdered, and ate, 17 boys.  Well, at least the person who murdered only 1 person didn't kill and eat 17 children.  I get it.  It's an over the top analogy.  But I purposely made it to prove a point.  Simply being better than the worst doesn't alway make you good.


In closing, Winkler then goes after all the fans of SIU basketball.  He even goes after society as a whole.  Quote, "However, in today’s world of NCAA basketball, success is not measured in terms of academic progress, nor the integrity of the players coaches bring to campus. Advancing to the NCAA tournament is the only metric that really matters, a point Hinson addressed in his tearful farewell."  Okay Winkler, we get it.  We are truly the bad guys here.  SIU and its fans have absolutely no business asking for a program that can challenge to compete in the NCAA Tournament year in and year out.  We all should be shot, hung, and then thrown off a bridge.  Hinson should then be crowned KING OF ALL THAT IS COLLEGE BASKETBALL.  He simply wasn't given a long enough period for turning this program around.  He deserves another 7-10 years.


Winkler, why don't you make this FIRING OF HINSON perfect by retiring yourself?

Excellent analysis. Nice job!

March on triumphantly!

McAndrew Stadium Poster Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 1405

You know? Those of us who watched BH when he was at MoState knew how this was going to end from the day he was hired. Yes, he got the program out of the quagmire that was Chris Lowery. The play on the floor was marginally better than it was at the end of Lowery. He would recruit players that were good but not good enough to compete at the top of the Valley. And yet, he had the uncanny ability to lose EVERY game that provided the opportunity to raise the program to the next level. And not just lose, but not be competitive at all. The folks that loved him thought he was the greatest thing since sliced bread. The ones that didn't thought he was a huckster and a clown. The clash was always there, just like it was at MoState. We hoped it would be different, but in the end, SIU became MoState 2.0 for Hinson and for us.

SIU Arena Poster
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Posts: 2916
Posted by: OBD

You know? Those of us who watched BH when he was at MoState knew how this was going to end from the day he was hired. Yes, he got the program out of the quagmire that was Chris Lowery. The play on the floor was marginally better than it was at the end of Lowery. He would recruit players that were good but not good enough to compete at the top of the Valley. And yet, he had the uncanny ability to lose EVERY game that provided the opportunity to raise the program to the next level. And not just lose, but not be competitive at all. The folks that loved him thought he was the greatest thing since sliced bread. The ones that didn't thought he was a huckster and a clown. The clash was always there, just like it was at MoState. We hoped it would be different, but in the end, SIU became MoState 2.0 for Hinson and for us.

Basically agree with this, with the caveat that at least at Missouri State he flirted with the NCAA a couple times. Here, nothing.

Abe Martin Field Poster
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 185
Posted by: beadmedaddio

I agree and I don't.  When you read anything Winkler has written, keep in mind his insights are always rudimentary  at best. 


Firstly, a Hinson quote really struck me,  "Hinson told Montemagno if the Salukis failed to make the NIT or the NCAA tournament this year he would step aside."  Why would he make that promise.  I suppose he had to.  It must have been the only way to save his job.  Hinson is/was virtually a complete stranger to post season over his entire career.  I believe he only made the NIT 2-3 times -- and not even close the last 7.  And let's touch on the resignation versus firing.  Hinson was fired.  Period.  He was allowed to resign or be FIRED.  When one is given an ultimatum, and must attain it or fired, it simply means you were FIRED.  


Secondly, Winkler states Hinson's record.  116-111.  To me, those numbers are average at best.  However to Winkler they should be chiseled in stone on Mt. Olympus.  Now let's take out the dozens (I am not about to go over the last 7 seasons of W/L records to get the exact number) of victories over schools who we had absolutely no business playing in the first place, and we are well under 500.  And I really only care about our record in the Valley.  That was below 500 too.  Proof that Hinson was/is a below 500 coach.  I view a  below average coach equals a poor coach.  


Thirdly, quotes from Winkler, "The numbers belie Hinson’s true legacy at SIU. I fear too many people will not view Hinson’s time at SIU in proper context."  This proves what Winkler's approach to Hinson was.  Paint him through rose colored glasses.  Never talk about the negatives.  This was Winkler's approach throughout the Hinson years.  Winkler simply can't keep his personal feelings, about anything, out of his writings.  Winkler is not an objective journalist.  Proves it all the time.  He continues to paint a weak and failed coach with a complimentary brush.  Yet he has no problem going after those of us asking for the Hinson years to end.  His quote,  "The press conference undoubtedly elated some of SIU’s fan base."  A quote with the intent to camouflage his affections for Hinson and his disdain for those of us who wanted a change.  


Fourthly, Winkler tries to paint Hinson as a victim who never even had a chance to be successful.  Winkler goes after the transfers.  The little rat bastards in his little mind.  Absolutely the transfers hurt the program.  Jordan Caroline, for one, could have been a huge contributor this year.  But why did he leave?  We all know it was because Hinson wasn't a good enough coach to identify Caroline's strengths and utilize them.  Caroline knew it too.  And left to a play for a good coach/program.  I don't fault Caroline for this.  But Winkler and Hinson do.  I was happy for the transfers going to programs where they could achieve their goals.  


Fifthly, Winkler's take on academics.  We agree.  Hinson should get all the credit in the world for getting the players to the classroom.  It was the only aspect of the program that Hinson did well.  But the classroom is only one aspect of college basketball.  Doing only 1 thing well is simply not enough.  


Sixthly, Winkler writes, "SIU basketball is in much better condition than it was when Hinson arrived on in 2011. That cannot be overlooked."  Really.  Really.  Really!  This is not a comparison with any merits.  It's like comparing a person who only murdered one person to Jeff Dahmer.  He murdered, and ate, 17 boys.  Well, at least the person who murdered only 1 person didn't kill and eat 17 children.  I get it.  It's an over the top analogy.  But I purposely made it to prove a point.  Simply being better than the worst doesn't alway make you good.


In closing, Winkler then goes after all the fans of SIU basketball.  He even goes after society as a whole.  Quote, "However, in today’s world of NCAA basketball, success is not measured in terms of academic progress, nor the integrity of the players coaches bring to campus. Advancing to the NCAA tournament is the only metric that really matters, a point Hinson addressed in his tearful farewell."  Okay Winkler, we get it.  We are truly the bad guys here.  SIU and its fans have absolutely no business asking for a program that can challenge to compete in the NCAA Tournament year in and year out.  We all should be shot, hung, and then thrown off a bridge.  Hinson should then be crowned KING OF ALL THAT IS COLLEGE BASKETBALL.  He simply wasn't given a long enough period for turning this program around.  He deserves another 7-10 years.


Winkler, why don't you make this FIRING OF HINSON perfect by retiring yourself?

This is excellent, a great assessment of Hinson and Winkeler.  

Notice a slight inconsistency between Barruh's croc tear presser and his interview with Wes?  After the game he said HE AND THE CHANCELLOR made a pact, as if it was a mutual decision.  Here it appears it was all HUCKY, once again the "I" factor.  I doubt HUCKY broached the subject.  Why would he, there was nothing beneficial to him to even suggest such a thing.  

And since the media reads this board, I will say this.  I have had dealings with Winkeler.  He's a full blown idiot with an agenda.  There are sporting events in So Ill that don't get proper coverage because they aren't interesting to him.  Or, he sends out some third or fourth stringer.  If a celebrity is involved that he can rub elbows with, then he's right there.  And I've seen the So Illinoisan (and others) require ad space or free passes before they even consider covering some events.


Abe Martin Field Poster
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 161

Agree with everything, except one point about the transfers.

Jordan Caroline, had he stayed, would have expended his eligibility at the end of last season.  He would not have been playing this year, at least at the college level.  When he transferred, he had to sit out a year.

Other than that minor point, well put.

“True terror is waking up one morning and discovering your high school class is running the country.” —Kurt Vonnegut

Abe Martin Field Poster
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 127

As usual,  Les needs to stick to warblers and morels.

Lew Hartzog Track Poster
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 315

Basically Les wants to toot barry's horn for doing the absolute bare minimum expectation for a coach which is keep your players out of trouble.

