Last seen: January 21, 2025 7:07 pm
Thanks. Just a novice question. Is FlightAware not available any more?
Since I am not in the Carbondale metroplex, I guess that I just assumed that he was still a major force in the program. Is that not the case any more?
In 28 pages of comments, I can't believe that no one has asked the question.... Where is Greg Cook's plane?
I've heard that they are close.
Someone more knowledgable than me might have a better answer, but.... Staff salaries Equipment Travel Recruiting Game expenses (like paying ...
This report covers just the Men's Basketball program. SIU's overall athletic budget is in the neighborhood of $25 million.
We need to do something here, folks. Otherwise, the Bobber is going to eventually regale us with stories on end of him hitting on women old enough now...
To be fair, those numbers (which came out last May) were compiled before AD Leonard got here. At that point, who knows who was in charge between Chanc...
This the budget for the program, whether the money came from donors, student fees or the state of Illinois.
@mdogs1 I am only an admin to keep away the Chinese. That's more of a @barkeep-1967 or @saluki-69 thing.
So, by the looks of this, SIU is about a million bucks a year short of where it probably needs to be? Just to be average... Would love to hear from ...
Players who graduated High School in 2020 have until 2025-26 to finish their eligibility.