New Building Propos...
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New Building Proposed at SIU

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Mike Reis Press Box Poster
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 434
I love the idea of adding a big new beautiful building to campus, but it just doesn’t make sense to do this when upgrades are needed to classrooms, labs, and lecture halls.  We need a new Communications Building, and we need to upgrade the Engineering building, Neckers, Lawson, Business, etc. etc.  Why do we need a whole new building for the SIU Foundation when most of the classrooms and labs are severely outdated??  That money could go a long way toward attracting top tier professors as well….

I am grateful to the Tedricks for their generous donations but I’d like to see the university put focus into the education infrastructure since a university’s first priority should be…education. 

This post was modified 1 year ago 2 times by PackerDawg

Saluki Platnum Member
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I'd feel a lot better about it if it was for academics. Do we need a great big Welcome Center / SIU Foundation?

Really seems like a vanity project with the name in letters bigger than the SIU name on the brick entrance. I'm just glad Boaty McBoatface didn't donate the $6 mill.

AirDawg86 and PackerDawg reacted
Lew Hartzog Track Poster
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Posts: 429

@packerdawg What's wrong with Faner?  That building will outlast this country.

“The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody has decided not to see.”
― Ayn Rand

AirDawg86 and PackerDawg reacted
Mike Reis Press Box Poster
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 487

Faner is awesome. For anyone who hasn't been to campus in a while, it's still quite infamous and loved. Even though it's difficult to navigate, there's a certain charm and reverence when students speak about it. 

AirDawg86, Austinsaluki, Saluki44 and 1 people reacted
Charlotte West Stadium Poster
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Posted by: @mr_woogers

I'd feel a lot better about it if it was for academics. Do we need a great big Welcome Center / SIU Foundation?

Really seems like a vanity project with the name in letters bigger than the SIU name on the brick entrance. I'm just glad Boaty McBoatface didn't donate the $6 mill.

I am glad someone is willing to support the University to this degree.  They deserve to have their name on a building.  They were very generous to SIU before this most recent gift…. And just because the artists rendering shows the name that large it in no way means that the finished product will look like that. But I have no issue with it if it does.  



Freedawg reacted
Saluki Platnum Member
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Posts: 6390

Nice looking building at the entrance for sure. The design has changed. 

This post was modified 11 months ago by Mr_Woogers

AirDawg86 reacted
McAndrew Stadium Poster
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Took a run through campus today. It’s as beautiful as ever.

I’m biased, but I contend it’s one of the prettiest campuses in the Midwest.

So much for potential for SIU and Carbondale. 

Saluki Platnum Member
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I've seen a lot of college campuses and I completely agree. Hard to find a heavily wooded college campus filled with wild dogwoods and redbuds blooming abundantly all over campus, etc. Love the layout too (with the exception of that power plant being so prominent).

When and if the Comm building ever gets redone, should improve that area of campus too. Money was released for design a couple of years ago. State must be holding up the funds for the rebuild.

Maybe someday we will have the money to finish the teardown of abandoned buildings over by the Law school.

Lew Hartzog Track Poster
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Posts: 212

I think the campus looks better than ever. We love walking around the campus. We need more students and a basketball practice facility to make it even better.

Mike Reis Press Box Poster
Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 377

Posted by: @saluki44

Took a run through campus today. It’s as beautiful as ever.

I’m biased, but I contend it’s one of the prettiest campuses in the Midwest.

So much for potential for SIU and Carbondale. 

April, May and autumn always were my favorite times on campus with the change of seasons. Didn't have a car when I was a student, but I never minded walking or riding my bike when the weather was nice during the spring and fall. I've visited quite a few campuses and SIU is right up there with any of them.


This post was modified 11 months ago by AJCSaluki

PackerDawg reacted
Mike Reis Press Box Poster
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 487

Posted by: @mr_woogers

I've seen a lot of college campuses and I completely agree. Hard to find a heavily wooded college campus filled with wild dogwoods and redbuds blooming abundantly all over campus, etc. Love the layout too (with the exception of that power plant being so prominent).

When and if the Comm building ever gets redone, should improve that area of campus too. Money was released for design a couple of years ago. State must be holding up the funds for the rebuild.

Maybe someday we will have the money to finish the teardown of abandoned buildings over by the Law school.

the tear down of those abandoned buildings is one of the officially listed plans in the near future. If anyone is interested all of the future plans are listed on the facilities page.


Saluki Platnum Member
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Posts: 6390

Comm building on hold - been on hold for years now.


Saluki Platnum Member
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Posts: 6390

Work is about to begin on the new Tedric Welcome Center. That whole parking lot and area has been closed  off with construction fencing and there are some billboards up on each side showing the future center. Parking for the student center will be limited to the smaller pay lot until that building is finished.

TJ McFlys
Mike Reis Press Box Poster
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Posts: 518


Positive news. I believe we have needed something in that location for a while. Will add to the entrance into campus. I have heard it will be the same construction company that is doing the transportation center. McGee?  

Saluki Platnum Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 6390

Fager-McGee on Williams Street in Murphysboro.  The mass transit center in Cdale is making good progress ..a lot of the exterior walls done.. red brick with limestone. They're now clearing out the ground south of the existing train station. I'm not sure if the existing train station will be incorporated or removed. Maybe just building more parking.

Speaking of Murphysboro, the Jackson County mass transit freakish looking huge white circus tent is gone and they're working on a real building along 13 there, across from Walgreens. I guess the tent was simply to isolate the toxic waste soil they were clearing out of there before they could build a permanent structure. 

Also another new building is going up along main Street in Murphysboro.. appears to be a restaurant with a drive up .. good sized building with a dining area west of downtown a little bit.

And the new Domino's behind the new Big Muddy Monster McDonald's has been open for a while.. can't say I care for their pizza much.

Papa John's on East Grand near SIU is now open. $7 large with two ingredients the first Tuesday of every month. Unlike Domino's they do put some ingredients on their pizza. Almost hate to refer to these as pizzas when I think of Quatro's Challenge. Pricey but great pizza. I digress. lol

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