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[Sticky] Banterra/Pride of Little Egypt NIL

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SIU Arena Poster
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 3636

Posted by: @quatroschallengesaluki

Apparently there is a “big nil announcement” tomorrow at 6:40am on wsil 3. Leonard is supposed to be on to announce it.


Anything to report ?


Quatros Saluki
Itchy Jones Stadium Poster
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Posts: 849

Posted by: @insaluki

Posted by: @quatroschallengesaluki

Apparently there is a “big nil announcement” tomorrow at 6:40am on wsil 3. Leonard is supposed to be on to announce it.


Anything to report ?


nope, I’m at work, was hoping someone else was able to watch. If it even happened. 


Quatros Saluki
Itchy Jones Stadium Poster
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 849

Announced a new collective “pride of little Egypt”

SIU Alum 05 reacted
Quatros Saluki
Itchy Jones Stadium Poster
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Posts: 849

SIU Alum 05 reacted
SIU Alum 05
Lew Hartzog Track Poster
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McAndrew Stadium Poster
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With the announcement of the new collective, I’d like to hear from the AD where the money needs to be flowing. I know in an ideal world people would donate to the athletic department AND the collective, but for some that may not be an option. We still need facility upgrades, but we also need to win. My gut says NIL first and hopefully winning drives more donors to both.

Glad we are starting to get this information out there regardless!

McAndrew Stadium Poster
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Posts: 1127

Posted by: @siu_2011

With the announcement of the new collective, I’d like to hear from the AD where the money needs to be flowing. I know in an ideal world people would donate to the athletic department AND the collective, but for some that may not be an option. We still need facility upgrades, but we also need to win. My gut says NIL first and hopefully winning drives more donors to both.

Glad we are starting to get this information out there regardless!

I would say NIL is first. NIL gets players. Players win championships. Championships sell out the Banterra Center and also increase donations and sponsorships which increases money for all other things. 

But it starts with winning, and NIL is the best place to start for that right now. 


Lew Hartzog Track Poster
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 234

I'm signed up baby LETS GO!

Lew Hartzog Track Poster Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 222

This new landscape is wild.


Cowboydawg reacted
Saluki Stadium Poster
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Posts: 81

Posted by: @dawgbytes

Posted by: @siu-alum-05

@tj-mcflys I really like the Pepsi idea 👍🏻

The family who owns Marion Pepsi is not very fond of SIU. The boneheaded move to implement the Special Admiissions policy that almost killed SIU is a factor. Actions have consequences.


Can someone tell me what the Special Admissions policy was?  Please.  Thanks.


McAndrew Stadium Poster
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 1799

Great news. Sounds like it’s going to be much more organized than the previous efforts. 

The website is already an improvement. I see you can specify which sport your donation goes to. 

What does this mean for Saluki Football Alliance? I already have a recurring payment through them. 

Quatros Saluki
Itchy Jones Stadium Poster
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 849

Posted by: @saluki44

Great news. Sounds like it’s going to be much more organized than the previous efforts. 

The website is already an improvement. I see you can specify which sport your donation goes to. 

What does this mean for Saluki Football Alliance? I already have a recurring payment through them. 

from what I understand it’s going away and all nil will go through the new alliance. But I’m not sure if your account will simply roll over to the new alliance or if you will have to set up a new one.


Saluki44 reacted
SIU Arena Poster
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Posts: 3636

Leonard mentions Saluki Insider on the NIL update.  I was laughing out loud !!  Our voices are being heard by HIS MOM !!!  I love you Mrs. Leonard !!!  xoxoxoxoxo  

SalukiWorld, ReSaluki 88, Salukifan32 and 1 people reacted
Mike Reis Press Box Poster
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Posts: 497

Leonard said that his promise to Nagy is that we will build the largest NIL Collective in the MVC . . .

SIU Arena Poster
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Posts: 2947

Posted by: @cosmos

Leonard said that his promise to Nagy is that we will build the largest NIL Collective in the MVC . . .

Caught that. Ambitious goal as SIU doesn’t have the reputation over the years as a fundraising powerhouse.


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