Last seen: February 6, 2025 8:00 am
While you are technically correct and I see your point, I think of Carbondale and the greater Southern Illiinois area as one and the same. I suppose ...
@mr_woogers We were back last year and my wife and I both thought Carbo; Murph and Marion all looked pretty good. We thought campus seemed pretty sha...
@mr_woogers I love Carby and agree with you. I still can’t imagine retiring back to Illinois. You are Austin are amongst a small minority I would gu...
@austinsaluki Wow I didn’t know you moved. I left Austin too; but we are in Dallas now.
@dawgbytes I’m a dumb red neck, but I still love Carbo. It actually looked pretty good to me last time I was there. Campus looked tired though.
@dawgbytes Let's hope not!
@14_alumdawg Shit, we've gone more than 15 years with nothing. What is one or two more days?
@saluki-4-life You overreact? Nah bro ...... 🙂
Keep the faith my brothers! IMG_6806.jpeg
@usmcsaluki I don't get that when I refresh.
@salukiworld I agree. I think it is funny as hell.
@saluki44 Sign me up! I'll take him.
@barkeep-1967 You strike me as more of a purple pimp BK 🙂
@obd It would be so hilariously dumb that I'd almost like to see it. Maybe he learned something in the last decade.
@resaluki-88 He may just be a semi-clever troll who is tweaking us for fun.