Last seen: March 2, 2025 6:24 pm
@saluki-4-life who has said no. All I stated IF it was a no from all the people we interviewed and flew in. Is what are they seeing about the prog...
Ok, why fly all the way out there and any place that they flew too. If you were not serious about the candidate. Are all these coaches that they hav...
@uncledawgpound get a frigging life. I bet you hate dogs too. I posted this FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. You are making it like it’s a God forsaken ...
@mr_woogers again I am not bashing SIU. I posted this to show what one company did to show some perspective on the MVC. CHRIST it’s like you think ...
@mr_woogers again don’t shoot the messenger. Just posting what I saw and it was reported. Not posting it because of bashful. Just for information p...
@mr_woogers Do t shoot the messenger. Just posting what the company did to report on the MVC. Believe what you want. It’s out there. Either way you c...
as many times to get across what others think about us. Don’t read it if you don’t like it It’s a snapshot of what is going on in the MVC
Not dissing the hire. Supposedly we had 3 or 4 names that were either handshake signed or mention as our top priority. Just how did we go from the 3-...
Now here are some questions to be answered by the administration? 1 Is this a safe hire(57) years old. Will not be looking at moving on up? 2 Whe...
Just think. Is this best we can due? So the hire might say we want some stability because he will be 57 and a 6 year contract which puts him at 64 ...
Another IMG_1293.png
Ano IMG_1292.png
This is an independent report that shows what people think of us and the rest of the teams MVC IMG_1291.png
@quatroschallengesaluki Scott Nagy. 6 years $600,000 base salary