Last seen: January 5, 2025 7:05 pm
@dunkledog really, talent is more important than character? How many of Lowery's players with talent and less than stellar character got us into troub...
@quatroschallengesaluki Lane's wife lives in Houston, he lives in St. Louis. He was fired from his last job. SIU happened to be an open position so h...
Did anyone catch in Mario's pre-announcement news conference slip up and say that Kill returned to SIU as the Athletic Director versus returned as an ...
@saluki82 Given what the violation was and why he did it, yes, I'm ok with it. The NCAA has two-faced rules that aren't fair to student-athletes. He...
The compliance officer, per the NCAA story, did the right thing. He put students' well-being ahead of his job. He knew he would get in trouble. He ...
The story says the allegations were turned over to the Equity and Compliance Office, which is standard protocol and State Law. They are tasked with a...
@dogdays "Don't be distracted by this." Really? that's your starting sentence upon news that a coach is sexually harassing swimmers (plural)? Or ...
It is very possible the budget cuts wanted are coming from higher than Anthony Hall.
@quatroschallengesaluki Cheerleaders and female student-athletics would certainly feel pressure from the basketball coach......."I'll tell your coach ...
@worldbeaters353 Even worse is when he takes the man's job (after staying at his house) when Fuente is fired.
@packerdawg "Tens of millions"? Not quite. Read the actual agreement.
Correct me all you want but I'm still going to call it the Arena just like I call places the Assembly Hall, Comisky Park and the Sears Tower. $4 mill...
What's Tedrick's connection to Banterra that he would recuse himself from the vote?
What the heck? It will be reveiled in a "private ceremony?" Why would you have a reveil of a new logo for a University in private? Where's the ball...